The issue can be seen in the logs.
It depense on how you use the proxy.
in the case you do use the proxy as a forward proxy that is setup in the browser settings it is pretty simple to block.(not that but still).
To block youtube and other videos the basic restrictions wont help.
What do you see in the logs when you watch a video?


On 26/02/2014 19:13, Caracol Bartolito wrote:
Hi brothers and sisters.

I´m running

Squid Cache: Version 3.0.STABLE8 over debian, and I wanna block
youtube and googlevideos and other kind of stream, I´m getting slow
surfering on internet and my best choice was block video stream.

I was following this how to on squid´s website:

I already added those lines in my squid.conf but still is open the video stream.

Please, someone throw me a bone here?

Thanks in advance.

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