On 2014-03-03 05:54, infinite seeker wrote:
Hi all

I have a new WP installation and have an outgoing proxy for all HTTP
requests. I am having trouble getting themes/plugins etc ("An
unexpected error has occured..."). Below is an excerpt from the
wp-config.php and the Squid logs. As you can see in the logs, the
problem is on POST ... (please note I dont use username/password on
the proxy and I tested HTTP POST through wget and it seems to work
fine). HTTP GETS work fine with WP as well.  I am pasting the Squid
and WP Config and the Squid log below.

You can also see the POST request sent to Squid has either no URL or an invalid series of bytes where the URL should be.

1393175790.718 0 TCP_DENIED/501 1504 POST NONE:// -
NONE/- text/html

Whatever software is sending those requests is broken.


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