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On 11/03/2014 12:49 a.m., Peres Levente wrote:
> Dear Squid Users,
> Since this is my first email to this list, let me first say a big
> HELLO to everybody! I hope I can be of some use to everyone else in
> the future.
> For now however, I have a bugging issue, driving me crazy...
> I have attached a rather long debug output of what's a single image
> link request being processed, under effect of
> debug_options ALL,3
> The URL is a simple picture (or can be assumed it is as per format
> of URL - no POST, no ? etc...). Or so it seems to me. Thus, it
> should be cached cleanly by Squid. Well, in my case not so.
> Actually it's so notorious that even when bruteforcing the config
> with
> acl KEPEK urlpath_regex . cache allow KEPEK refresh_pattern .
> 5259487 100% 9259487 ignore-no-cache ignore-private 
> override-lastmod override-expire ignore-no-store
> ignore-must-revalidate store-stale offline_mode on
> (please note that this is no production config, only for
> demonstration, and has been used to generate the attached
> error.txt)
> ... squid still refuses to cache this picture.
> I noticed the same issue with SOME other websites - simple jpeg or
> gif, non cache whatever. Images from www.szerencsejatek.hu are one
> example...

redbot.org tools say:

 * Vary: Host is not necessary.
 * This response allows a cache to assign its own freshness lifetime.
 * A ranged request returned another representation.
 * An If-Modified-Since conditional request returned the full content
 * The ETag doesn't change between negotiated representations.
 * Cache-Control: public is rarely necessary.
 * The If-Modified-Since response is missing required headers.
 * The ETag header's syntax isn't valid.

> On MOST sites however, the caching works perfectly and as
> expected.
> I already emptied my barrage of config directives on this problem,
> like reload into ims etc etc to no avail and searched what I could
> on Google...
> So. Would you be please so kind as to look at this error log and
> try to point me into the right direction?

Could be you have a version of Squid which had Vary caching bugs. Or
one of the issues redbot points out.

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