On 2/05/2014 8:24 a.m., Eric Vanderveer wrote:
> Hi just recently my dansguardian/squid server started having problems
> loading https sites.  Now not all https sites do this.  When I go to
> twitter.com I have no problems but when i go to facebook.com it
> doesn't load.  I have not idea where to look for this.  Any ideas?

DansGuardian does not support HTTPS. If you are trying to do anything
other than relaying it all blindly through DG things will break;

3.4.4.* test releases have a bug where they terminate CONNECT requests
containing SPDY content. If you are using one of those release, please
update to the daily snapshot (or wait for 3.4.5 which will be out in a
few hours).


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