Hi All

This is my first post to the Squid Users list for an incredibly long time - "Hi 
all”) :)

New Squid users: did you find the documentation at 
http://www.deckle.co.uk/squid-users-guide/ useful in your process of learning 

I wrote the Squid documentation at http://www.deckle.co.uk/squid-users-guide/ 
in 1999 with the aim of getting it published as a book. I then proceeded to get 
incredibly involved in trying to build and run a company, and I never completed 
it. It’s had very little love since, despite attempts to put it on a Wiki 
(which only succeeded in getting me banned from Adsense due to dodgy comments 
in the “Russian translation”) and on GitHub (which has had no commits other 
than by me).

My impression is that the guide is woefully out of date, and should probably be 
binned and visitors redirected somewhere more useful. I was wondering if anyone 
had any ideas about this. Is the content useful? Is anyone else interested in 
trying to assist with bringing it up to date?

I thought I’d check with a larger Squid audience here on squid-users first, and 
then raise it to the Squid dev mailing list based on the response here.

The docs still get quite a few hits, considering their age and lack of 
maintenance. About 2000 unique IPs visited it last week (removing any reference 
to ‘bot’ in the user agent - though that doesn’t guarantee anything).


Oskar Pearson

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