On 06/26/2014 02:53 AM, Matthew Ceroni wrote:
Also, when squid first starts up it lists the Maximum number of file
descriptors as 65536, but when I get the warning message that my Cache
is low on FD that value changes to 16384. Why is that?

If you will share your squid.conf workers relevant parts it might explain couple of these results...
How many workers are you using?

If you are willing to just solve the issue allow something like quadratic number of FD per worker which means 4k * 4 * workers. It will easily solve many issues when will be set as the soft and hard limit in the sysVinit script.

If you are willing to debug it the right place to start will be to file a bug report in the bugzilla(to my opinion) and a thread in squid-dev mailing list. It is clear that there is something odd but I am not 100% if it can be explained yet or not.


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