First of all,im sorry for posting this a couple time since the first post is 
unread able because of the mail client used.

Im having trouble with my squid lately it wont access the web used to be can. 
So after tracing i found in the browser inspect element there is an error when 
opening link : 
url : txt-1-3.sbostatic.com/en/cdn/css/euro2011.css?140603   : Forbidden 
url :  txt-1-3.sbostatic.com/en/cdn/js/euro.js?140627B : Forbidden 
and other 4 files similiar with above (js and css file with ?(number) ) 
and if i try to open the link directly from the browser i get these error : 
The requested URL could not be retrieved 
While trying to retrieve the URL: 
The following error was encountered: 
Access Denied. 
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this 
time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect. 
Your cache administrator is xxxxxxxxxx. 
Generated Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:08:33 GMT by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  
Im trying to check the ACL and cant find something related to sbostatic.com 
and im guesting that is something with the ?140603 in the url that make this 
happen but dont know how to resolve this. 
I also already try to remove 
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? 
no_cache deny QUERY 
but it not helping. 
Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks 
Best Regards, 

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