Dear Amos,

Thank you for your suggestion!

The browser on the client is Chrome.  Interestingly, when I try to
open any link in Chrome, it tries 3 times.  But, when we try from an
"Incognito Mode" window, it makes only one request.

Morever, there are "two" routers:
one for Host -> Rtr1 -> Squid
another for Squid -> Rtr2 -> Internet

This was done as per your advice so that we can detect loops in the
router with rules.

Please check this pastebin (all data from Rtr1):

*  The first line is just the logging rule that we use, which is the
same (for logic) as the routing-mark rule.
*  The number of packets that are logged by the router between
Incognito vs Non-Incognito mode of Chrome, are different.  5 (five)
for Incognito Mode, and 13 (thirteen) for Non-Incognito mode.
*  There are 3 (three) different source ports on client IP for
Non-Incognito Mode, but only 1 (one) for Incognito Mode.
*  All the MAC addresses are the same.

Also, the router only has "policy - routing" rules which are not
touched between Squid TProxy, Squid Intercept, and the
"tproxy-example" software as mentioned in an earlier email.

Thank you once again for looking into this Amos!


On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Amos Jeffries <> wrote:
> On 2014-07-06 20:18, Nyamul Hassan wrote:
>> Thanks for the video, Eliezer!  The Mikrotik configuration part was
>> quite interesting!
>> New Basic Data:
>> Debug (All,1 89,9 17,3)
>> Just one request from the client browser was made.  The destination is
>> also a server under our control.  It is just a
>> simple HTML file with the words "It works!"
> Hmm. Three TCP connections arrived at Squid.
> 2014/07/06 14:13:23.147 ... BEGIN: me/client=,
> destination/me=
> 2014/07/06 14:13:23.149 ... BEGIN: me/client=,
> destination/me=
> 2014/07/06 14:13:23.890 ... BEGIN: me/client=,
> destination/me=
> Assuming that the TPROXY was configured at the time these lines were logged
> it appears you have a forwarding loop, probably in the router.
> One of the key things with TPROXY is that IP address based rules in the
> router do not work. Outgoing packets from Squid appear to be coming from the
> client, so only rules checking the interface or MAC address work properly
> work on separate routers like the Mikrotik.
> Amos

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