run "free -m" in shell and paste the output here

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 5:46 AM, Martin Sperl <> wrote:
> Hi!
> We have found out that since we moved from squid 3.3 to 3.4.3 (and the 
> corresponding Vary)  the memory utilization of squid has increased.
> It is 10GB right now 9.6G in memory, but we have only configured 4GB for in 
> Memory caching.
> Here the ps line:
> squid    17695 10.9 61.2 10629864 10001520 ?   Rl   Apr21 12131:59 (squid-1) 
> -f /opt/squid/squid.conf
> Any Ideas what that could be? See below the fine details from mgr:...
> BTW: I know it is not the latest version, but I am unsure if there have been 
> any fixes for this behavior in a later version...
> Thanks,
>                 Martin
> P.s: the relevant config-section for memory settings:
> # define the memory cache as 4GB
> cache_mem 4096 MB
> # and in memory sizes for single objects:
> maximum_object_size 32 KB
> maximum_object_size_in_memory 32 KB
> # define a disk cache (preferably on ram-disk to avoid IOs)
> cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid/ 8192 16 256
> here the infos from:
> Mgr:info:
> Squid Object Cache: Version 3.4.3
> Build Info:
> Start Time:     Mon, 21 Apr 2014 08:31:27 GMT
> Current Time:   Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:21:22 GMT
> Connection information for squid:
>         Number of clients accessing cache:      0
>         Number of HTTP requests received:       998061101
>         Number of ICP messages received:        0
>         Number of ICP messages sent:    0
>         Number of queued ICP replies:   0
>         Number of HTCP messages received:       0
>         Number of HTCP messages sent:   0
>         Request failure ratio:   0.00
>         Average HTTP requests per minute since start:   9002.1
>         Average ICP messages per minute since start:    0.0
>         Select loop called: 7233613675 times, 0.920 ms avg
> Cache information for squid:
>         Hits as % of all requests:      5min: 40.8%, 60min: 45.5%
>         Hits as % of bytes sent:        5min: 50.7%, 60min: 51.6%
>         Memory hits as % of hit requests:       5min: 72.6%, 60min: 74.9%
>         Disk hits as % of hit requests: 5min: 1.8%, 60min: 2.0%
>         Storage Swap size:      7549744 KB
>         Storage Swap capacity:  90.0% used, 10.0% free
>         Storage Mem size:       4153612 KB
>         Storage Mem capacity:   99.0% used,  1.0% free
>         Mean Object Size:       5.14 KB
>         Requests given to unlinkd:      0
> Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min    60 min:
>         HTTP Requests (All):   0.00179  0.00091
>         Cache Misses:          0.27332  0.23230
>         Cache Hits:            0.00000  0.00000
>         Near Hits:             0.00286  0.00286
>         Not-Modified Replies:  0.00000  0.00000
>         DNS Lookups:           0.00094  0.00094
>         ICP Queries:           0.00000  0.00000
> Resource usage for squid:
>         UP Time:        6652194.459 seconds
>         CPU Time:       727888.282 seconds
>         CPU Usage:      10.94%
>         CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:        2.76%
>         CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:       2.93%
>         Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): 10517816 KB
>         Maximum Resident Size: 40036704 KB
>         Page faults with physical i/o: 2100678
> Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
>         Total space in arena:  -2064964 KB
>         Ordinary blocks:       2047465 KB 161900 blks
>         Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
>         Holding blocks:         38432 KB      9 blks
>         Free Small blocks:          0 KB
>         Free Ordinary blocks:   81875 KB
>         Total in use:           81875 KB -4%
>         Total free:             81875 KB -4%
>         Total size:            -2026532 KB
> Memory accounted for:
>         Total accounted:       1269447 KB -63%
>         memPool accounted:     9658055 KB -477%
>         memPool unaccounted:   -11684587 KB  -0%
>         memPoolAlloc calls: 507567155336
>         memPoolFree calls:  508713005568
> File descriptor usage for squid:
>         Maximum number of file descriptors:   65536
>         Largest file desc currently in use:   1351
>         Number of file desc currently in use:  249
>         Files queued for open:                   0
>         Available number of file descriptors: 65287
>         Reserved number of file descriptors:   100
>         Store Disk files open:                   0
> Internal Data Structures:
>         1477933 StoreEntries
>         851676 StoreEntries with MemObjects
>         851675 Hot Object Cache Items
>         1470120 on-disk objects
> Mgr:mem:
> Current memory usage:
> Pool     Obj Size       Chunks                                                
>   Allocated                                       In UseIdle                  
>    Allocations Saved                       Rate
>          (bytes)        KB/ch    obj/ch (#)      used    free    part    
> %Frag   (#)     (KB)    high (KB)       high (hrs)      %Tot (#)       (KB)   
>  high (KB)       high (hrs)      %alloc (#)      (KB)    high (KB)      (#)   
>    %cnt    %vol   (#)/sec
> mem_node                 4136                                                 
>            1038636         4195116         4195359538.01   43.434  1038434    
>      4194300         4195359         538.01  99.981  202     816     1564    
> 695940913       0.137   1.2200.499
> 4K Buffer                4096                                                 
>            471762  1887048         1916096         61.2219.538   471750  
> 1887000         1916096         61.22   99.997  12      48      3120    
> 986312276       0.194   1.713   0.707
> Short Strings              40                                                 
>            20241644        790690  794615  61.01   8.18620241331         
> 790677  794615  61.01   99.998  313     13      841     -2147483648     
> 66.374  5.726   240.914
> HttpHeaderEntry            56                                                 
>            9903143         541579  544664  61.01   5.6079902997  541571  
> 544664  61.01   99.999  146     8       551     -2147483648     16.522  1.996 
>   60.070
> 2K Buffer                2048                                                 
>            238817  477634  724132  967.29  4.945   238800 477600  724132  
> 967.29  99.993  17      34      546     -2147483648     1.566   6.917   5.673
> 16K Buffer               16384                                                
>            25372   405952  1106704         1357.164.203    25355   405680  
> 1106704         1357.16         99.933  17      272     4048    268150503     
>   0.053   1.863   0.193
> HttpReply                 280                                                 
>            851758  232903  233312  67.89   2.411   851732 232896  233312  
> 67.89   99.997  26      8       138     -2147483648     0.688   0.415   2.495
> 8K Buffer                8192                                                 
>            27681   221448  275280  1357.54         2.29327679    221432  
> 275280  1357.54         99.993  2       16      312     235405729       0.046 
>   0.818   0.168
> MemObject                 240                                                 
>            851740  199627  199973  67.89   2.067   851731 199625  199973  
> 67.89   99.999  9       3       93      492884384       0.097   0.050   0.354
> StoreEntry                120                                                 
>            1477969         173200  173405  69.33   1.7931477949  173198  
> 173405  69.33   99.999  20      3       32      448740915       0.088   0.023 
>   0.322
> Medium Strings            128                                                 
>            1262162         157771  160057  61.01   1.6331262100  157763  
> 160057  61.01   99.995  62      8       279     -2147483648     4.731   1.306 
>   17.148
> cbdata BodyPipe (43)      152                                                 
>            765008  113556  114424  68.08   1.176   765004 113556  114424  
> 68.08   99.999  4       1       34      358799947       0.071   0.023   0.257
> HttpHdrCc                  96                                                 
>            769579  72149   72667   59.52   0.747   769566 72147   72667   
> 59.52   99.998  13      2       34      1594117469      0.313   0.065   1.138
> LRU policy node            24                                                 
>            2321816         54418   54496   68.09   0.5632321811  54418   
> 54496   68.09   100.000         5       1       12      159292188       0.031 
>   0.002   0.117
> cbdata MemBuf (13)         64                                                 
>            851759  53235   53330   67.89   0.551   851734 53234   53330   
> 67.89   99.997  25      2       33      -2147483648     0.923   0.127   3.346
> 32K Buffer               32768                                                
>            1603    51296   111520  979.75  0.531   160051200    111520  
> 979.75  99.813  3       96      736     20665690        0.004   0.287   0.015
> MD5 digest                 16                                                 
>            1477969         23094   23121   69.33   0.2391477949  23093   
> 23121   69.33   99.999  20      1       5       595307879       0.117   0.004 
>   0.426
> Long Strings              512                                                 
>            6736    3368    7858    1063.01         0.0356699     3350    7858 
>    1063.01         99.451  37      19      234     -2147483648     1.034   
> 1.142   3.750
> 64K Buffer               65536                                                
>            46      2944    33792   1711.70         0.0300        0       
> 33792   1711.70         0.000   46      2944    32768   -2147483648     0.466 
>   65.894  1.691
> acl_ip_data                96                                                 
>            5725    537     537     1848.01         0.0065725     537     537  
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       1       276     0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata IdleConnList (16)         4160                                         
>                    51      208     281     1757.200.002    45      183     
> 281     1757.20         88.235  6       25      86      36686446        0.007 
>   0.065   0.026
> cbdata clientReplyContext (23)   4320                                         
>                    31      131     1730    1293.490.001    4       17      
> 1730    1293.49         12.903  27      114     1321    995516255       0.196 
>   1.823   0.711
> cbdata ClientSocketContext (22)  4256                                         
>                    31      129     1705    1293.490.001    4       17      
> 1705    1293.49         12.903  27      113     1301    995516208       0.196 
>   1.796   0.711
> HttpRequest              1768                                                 
>            63      109     1428    1293.49         0.0017        13      1428 
>    1293.49         11.111  56      97      992     -2147483648     0.827   
> 3.153   2.998
> cbdata ConnStateData (20)         440                                         
>                    201     87      1259    390.81  0.001171      74      1259 
>    390.81  85.075  30      13      343     528103233       0.104   0.099   
> 0.381
> Comm::Connection          192                                                 
>            247     47      591     390.81  0.000   21741       591     390.81 
>  87.854  30      6       171     829565512       0.163   0.068   0.596
> ipcache_entry             128                                                 
>            289     37      82      1252.79         0.000288      36      82   
>    1252.79         99.654  1       1       49      821666  0.000   0.000   
> 0.001
> cbdata idns_query (9)    8696                                                 
>            3       26      3661    1252.79         0.0000        0       3661 
>    1252.79         0.000   3       26      3346    1134547         0.000   
> 0.004   0.001
> Acl::AndNode              136                                                 
>            184     25      25      1848.01         0.000184      25      25   
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> MimeEntry                 128                                                 
>            177     23      23      1848.01         0.000177      23      23   
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> fqdncache_entry           160                                                 
>            99      16      16      11.53   0.000   9916       16      11.53   
> 100.000         0       0       1       607     0.000   0.000   0.000
> cbdata ClientHttpRequest (21)     408                                         
>                    31      13      164     1293.490.000    4       2       
> 164     1293.49         12.903  27      11      125     995516208       0.196 
>   0.172   0.711
> 4KB Strings              4096                                                 
>            3       12      100     136.37  0.000   00        100     136.37  
> 0.000   3       12      100     4568442         0.001   0.008   0.003
> cbdata ServiceRep (15)    344                                                 
>            34      12      12      1848.01         0.00034       12      12   
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata Tree (6)           192                                                 
>            52      10      10      1848.01         0.00052       10      10   
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata ModXact (30)       496                                                 
>            17      9       127     1711.70         0.0000        0       127  
>    1711.70         0.000   17      9       126     1177041017      0.231   
> 0.247   0.839
> squidaio_small_bufs      4096                                                 
>            2       8       120     1065.11         0.0000        0       120  
>    1065.11         0.000   2       8       120     60491040        0.012   
> 0.105   0.043
> cbdata clientStreamNode (24)      128                                         
>                    62      8       103     1293.490.000    8       1       
> 103     1293.49         12.903  54      7       79      1991032510      0.391 
>   0.108   1.421
> cbdata OptXact (32)       312                                                 
>            19      6       11      885.88  0.000   00        11      885.88  
> 0.000   19      6       11      7038032         0.001   0.001   0.005
> RegexList                  88                                                 
>            59      6       6       1848.01         0.00059       6       6    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLStrategised            136                                                 
>            38      6       6       1848.01         0.00038       6       6    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLStrategised            136                                                 
>            37      5       5       1848.01         0.00037       5       5    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> HttpHdrScTarget            88                                                 
>            55      5       6       343.75  0.000   555        6       343.75  
> 100.000         0       0       2       149     0.000   0.000   0.000
> cbdata Logfile (11)      4192                                                 
>            1       5       5       1848.01         0.0001        5       5    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata store_client (34)          160                                         
>                    23      4       117     1293.490.000    4       1       
> 117     1293.49         17.391  19      3       76      1290240791      0.254 
>   0.088   0.920
> 1KB Strings              1024                                                 
>            3       3       55      412.45  0.000   00        55      412.45  
> 0.000   3       3       38      50912098        0.010   0.022   0.037
> cbdata HttpStateData (38)         304                                         
>                    9       3       115     1293.490.000    2       1       
> 115     1293.49         22.222  7       3       76      190925179       0.038 
>   0.025   0.137
> cbdata Iterator (28)      160                                                 
>            17      3       40      1711.70         0.0000        0       40   
>    1711.70         0.000   17      3       40      1177188448      0.231   
> 0.080   0.839
> ACLSourceIP               120                                                 
>            22      3       3       1848.01         0.00022       3       3    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata ModXactLauncher (29)       152                                         
>                    17      3       38      1711.700.000    0       0       38 
>      1711.70         0.000   17      3       38      1177189213      0.231   
> 0.076   0.839
> Acl::NotNode              136                                                 
>            18      3       3       1848.01         0.00018       3       3    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata AccessCheck (27)   144                                                 
>            17      3       41      1711.69         0.0000        0       41   
>    1711.69         0.000   17      3       41      1177394228      0.231   
> 0.072   0.839
> cbdata OptXactLauncher (31)       128                                         
>                    19      3       5       885.88  0.0000        0       5    
>    885.88  0.000   19      3       5       7037587         0.001   0.000   
> 0.005
> ev_entry                   48                                                 
>            47      3       3       1831.15         0.00045       3       3    
>    1831.15         95.745  2       1       2       33129146        0.007   
> 0.001   0.024
> ACLHTTPHeaderData          48                                                 
>            40      2       2       1848.01         0.00040       2       2    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata ClientRequestContext (25)          104                                 
>                            18      2       30      1711.70        0.000   0   
>     0       30      1711.70         0.000   18      2       30      988402315 
>       0.194   0.044   0.705
> ACLRegexData               16                                                 
>            110     2       2       1848.01         0.000110      2       2    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata FwdState (36)      168                                                 
>            9       2       65      1293.49         0.0002        1       65   
>    1293.49         22.222  7       2       42      191697095       0.038   
> 0.014   0.137
> cbdata ACLFilledChecklist (26)    440                                         
>                    3       2       93      1252.790.000    1       1       93 
>      1252.79         33.333  2       1       85      -2147483648     2.155   
> 2.045   7.805
> cbdata ConnOpener (33)    136                                                 
>            6       1       27      1711.70         0.0000        0       27   
>    1711.70         0.000   6       1       27      66249937        0.013   
> 0.004   0.048
> cbdata PortCfg (2)        344                                                 
>            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLStrategised            136                                                 
>            5       1       1       1848.01         0.0005        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> aio_thread                 40                                                 
>            16      1       1       1847.93         0.00016       1       1    
>    1847.93         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> squidaio_micro_bufs       128                                                 
>            5       1       14      1065.11         0.0000        0       14   
>    1065.11         0.000   5       1       14      176721246       0.035   
> 0.010   0.126
> aio_ctrl                  112                                                 
>            5       1       13      1065.11         0.0000        0       13   
>    1065.11         0.000   5       1       13      237358432       0.047   
> 0.011   0.169
> ACLStrategised            136                                                 
>            4       1       1       1848.01         0.0004        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata CbDataList (3)      40                                                 
>            13      1       1       1848.01         0.00013       1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> aio_request               104                                                 
>            5       1       12      1065.11         0.0000        0       12   
>    1065.11         0.000   5       1       12      237365801       0.047   
> 0.010   0.169
> cbdata ErrorState (46)    240                                                 
>            2       1       3       1497.43         0.0000        0       3    
>    1497.43         0.000   2       1       3       10391751        0.002   
> 0.001   0.007
> ACLStrategised            136                                                 
>            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata CbDataList (1)      40                                                 
>            10      1       1       1848.01         0.00010       1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata CbDataList (47)     96                                                 
>            4       1       4       1664.29         0.0000        0       4    
>    1664.29         0.000   4       1       4       27953666        0.005   
> 0.001   0.020
> acl_name_list              72                                                 
>            5       1       1       1848.01         0.0005        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLDestinationIP          120                                                 
>            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata UFSStoreState (39)         176                                         
>                    2       1       13      1065.110.000    0       0       13 
>      1065.11         0.000   2       1       13      112646684       0.022   
> 0.008   0.080
> ACLDomainData              16                                                 
>            19      1       1       1848.01         0.00019       1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata CbDataList (4)      64                                                 
>            4       1       1       1848.01         0.0004        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata ps_state (37)      248                                                 
>            1       1       1       1835.63         0.0000        0       1    
>    1835.63         0.000   1       1       1       192773573       0.038   
> 0.020   0.137
> ACLCertificateData         72                                                 
>            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata RemovalPolicy (7)          104                                         
>                    2       1       1       1848.010.000    2       1       1  
>      1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata StoreSearchHashIndex (18)          104                                 
>                            2       1       1       1848.01        0.000   1   
>     1       1       1848.01         50.000  1       1       1       20      
> 0.000   0.000   0.000
> cbdata TcpAcceptor (17)    88                                                 
>            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata DiskThreadsDiskFile (40)    88                                         
>                    2       1       7       1065.110.000    0       0       7  
>      1065.11         0.000   2       1       7       112646684       0.022   
> 0.004   0.080
> AclDenyInfoList            32                                                 
>            5       1       1       1848.01         0.0005        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> HttpHdrRange               32                                                 
>            5       1       3       339.96  0.000   21        3       339.96  
> 40.000  3       1       1       1563142         0.000   0.000   0.001
> cbdata ReadRequest (41)    72                                                 
>            2       1       3       1065.11         0.0000        0       3    
>    1065.11         0.000   2       1       3       60491040        0.012   
> 0.002   0.043
> ACLStrategised            136                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> UFSStoreState::_queued_write       32                                         
>                    4       1       3       1428.470.000    0       0       3  
>      1428.47         0.000   4       1       3       134435143       0.026   
> 0.002   0.096
> HttpHdrContRange           24                                                 
>            5       1       2       1664.29         0.0000        0       2    
>    1664.29         0.000   5       1       2       792627  0.000   0.000   
> 0.001
> ACLStringData              16                                                 
>            6       1       1       1848.01         0.0006        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLSslErrorData            16                                                 
>            6       1       1       1848.01         0.0006        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata generic_cbdata (35)         32                                         
>                    3       1       14      1252.790.000    0       0       14 
>      1252.79         0.000   3       1       13      65234012        0.013   
> 0.001   0.047
> UFSStoreState::_queued_read        40                                         
>                    2       1       2       1065.110.000    0       0       2  
>      1065.11         0.000   2       1       2       46057286        0.009   
> 0.001   0.033
> cbdata IoResult (42)       40                                                 
>            2       1       2       1065.11         0.0000        0       2    
>    1065.11         0.000   2       1       2       60491040        0.012   
> 0.001   0.043
> cbdata WriteRequest (44)           80                                         
>                    1       1       1       1847.930.000    0       0       1  
>      1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       134753572       0.026   
> 0.005   0.096
> HttpHdrRangeSpec           16                                                 
>            5       1       2       339.96  0.000   21        2       339.96  
> 40.000  3       1       1       1563133         0.000   0.000   0.001
> ACLUserData                24                                                 
>            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> StoreSwapLogData           72                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0000        0       1    
>    1848.01         0.000   1       1       1       129809816       0.026   
> 0.004   0.092
> cbdata RemovalPurgeWalker (19)     72                                         
>                    1       1       1       1848.010.000    0       0       1  
>      1848.01         0.000   1       1       1       7712019         0.002   
> 0.000   0.006
> ACLMethodData              16                                                 
>            4       1       1       1848.01         0.0004        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> link_list                  16                                                 
>            4       1       2       1065.11         0.0000        0       2    
>    1065.11         0.000   4       1       2       180627075       0.036   
> 0.001   0.129
> dwrite_q                   48                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0000        0       1    
>    1848.01         0.000   1       1       1       264625573       0.052   
> 0.005   0.188
> ACLNoteData                40                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata CbDataList (5)      40                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> cbdata IoResult (45)       40                                                 
>            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1    
>    1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       134753572       0.026   
> 0.002   0.096
> ACLASN                     16                                                 
>            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLHierCodeData            32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLProtocolData            16                                                 
>            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> ACLTimeData                32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> CacheDigest                32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> wordlist                   16                                                 
>            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1    
>    1848.01         100.000         0       0       1       169     0.000   
> 0.000   0.000
> StoreMetaMD5               32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1    
>    1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       110536338       0.022   
> 0.001   0.079
> StoreMetaSTDLFS            32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1    
>    1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       110536338       0.022   
> 0.001   0.079
> StoreMetaURL               32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1    
>    1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       110536338       0.022   
> 0.001   0.079
> StoreMetaObjSize           32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1    
>    1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       110535723       0.022   
> 0.001   0.079
> StoreMetaVary              32                                                 
>            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1    
>    1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       6413952         0.001   
> 0.000   0.005
> FwdServer                  24                                                 
>            1       1       1       1835.63         0.0000        0       1    
>    1835.63         0.000   1       1       1       192773573       0.038   
> 0.002   0.137
> 16KB Strings             16384                                                
>            0       0       32      853.17  0.000   00        32      853.17  
> -1.000  0       0       32      0       0.000   0.000   0.000
> cbdata nsvc (8)            72                                                 
>            0       0       1       1819.31         0.0000        0       1    
>    1819.31         -1.000  0       0       1       0       0.000   0.000   
> 0.000
> cbdata RebuildState (12)          688                                         
>                    0       0       1       1848.010.000    0       0       1  
>      1848.01         -1.000  0       0       1       0       0.000   0.000   
> 0.000
> cbdata RemovalPolicyWalker (48)    56                                         
>                    0       0       1       1846.340.000    0       0       1  
>      1846.34         -1.000  0       0       1       0       0.000   0.000   
> 0.000
> cbdata BodySink (49)       80                                                 
>            0       0       1       1844.65         0.0000        0       1    
>    1844.65         -1.000  0       0       1       549     0.000   0.000   
> 0.000
> HttpHdrSc                  16                                                 
>            0       0       1       343.78  0.000   00        1       343.78  
> -1.000  0       0       1       82      0.000   0.000   0.000
> Total                       1                                                 
>            42593287        9658537         971909061.01    100.000         
> 42591806        9653779         9713153         61.04   99.951  1481    4758  
>   37935   -2147483648     99.766 99.807  362.183
> Cumulative allocated volume: 235.8852 TB
> Current overhead: 34522 bytes (0.000%)
> Idle pool limit: 5.00 MB
> Total Pools created: 134
> Pools ever used:     123 (shown above)
> Currently in use:    78
> String Pool      Impact
>          (%strings)      (%volume)
> Short Strings            94      83
> Medium Strings           6       17
> Long Strings             0       0
> 1KB Strings              0       0
> 4KB Strings              0       0
> 16KB Strings             0       0
> Other Strings            0       0
> Large buffers: 0 (0 KB)
> This message and the information contained herein is proprietary and 
> confidential and subject to the Amdocs policy statement,
> you may review at

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