Can you also pastebin your squid.conf?


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:53 AM, collect oodoo <> wrote:
> I have configured squid with the options in the below paste ..
> I packets are being forwarded from the cache box to internet and i'm
> able to see the Client Public address instaed of squid Box Public
> Address..
> the Issue here is the requests are not being forwarded by or through Squid..
> I'm unable to view any log for the request on access.log.
> If i use the same squid in transparent mode then I'm able to view the
> requests forwarded and logged on access.log but it shows Squid Box
> Public IP address.
> Can some body Help me on this..
> My basic Data of Machine is
> Thanks,
> Ganesh J

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