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IndieFest Benefit/Launch Party

Sat Jan 14


$10 (all proceeds benefit SF IndieFest)

----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

SF IndieFest Presents its annual Benefit/Launch Party

The Teenage Harlots
The Sermon
Tom Jonesing

Festival Previews
First Look at this year's program
10% off advance tickets
$2 Sapporo all night!

18up, $10 (all proceeds benefit the 8th Annual San Francisco
Independent Film Festival, Feb 2-14)

The Festival program will be online by January 8.


who could have predicted that five unplanned pregnancies separated
at birth and then individually raised on tv and government cheese
would later meet and form teenage harlets?

not me anyway, since that's not what really happened... but there
really is no better explanation for the sonic assault of revved up
short attention span surf punkrock that these nuts have been
spewing out since 1999. with the vintage gear you might mistake
them for a garage band but as soon as the first note hits it's
clear that you're not listening to your fathers rock and roll.
harlet style rock and roll has no politics, no tiresome monologs,
no talking, no tuning, and no fancy knobs, dials or effects. they
play non-stop four on the floor rock that you could drink, dance,
fuck or fight to (for the record the harlets prefer the first
three). maybe it's the west coast tone mixed with east coast
aggression or maybe just a dash of genius floating on a gallon of
insanity.. or maybe it's just the government cheese.

teenage harlets were a part of Warped Tour 2004 (which i swear is
way more punk rock than it sounds). they played with The
Phenomenauts, Groovie Ghoulies, River City Rebels, The Goons and
some new bands called "NOFX" and "Bad Religion" that they've never
heard of but seem to somehow have a following.

harlets fans include such notable celebrities as Barbara Bush,
John O'Neil, Imelda Marcos and you, the reader. proudly declare
your harlets fandom with an inexpensive crossbone armband, thrill
your senses by watching a live harlets set and irritate your
neighbors by playing the latest harlets single at full volume each
morning when you wake. you'll be glad you did, but most
importantly we'll be glad you did.


The Sermon are a high-energy rock & roll band that formed in San
Francisco in the early part of 2000. The founding members were Rob
Alper and Jeff Glave (both of The Fells/Estrus Records), Matt
Gabriel, George Frank (The Revelers/SpinART), and Mike Gabriel
(Mount McKinleys/Get Hip Recordings). Along the way a handful of
musicians have passed through the ranks, most notably Ben Day
(Dukes of Hamburg/Dionysius Records), who filled in on bass for
the recently retired George Frank. (A tip of the hat also goes to
Dave Rubin (Low Water) and Dan Southwick (Altamont) for lending a
hand.) The Sermon sound has been described as "a head-on collison
of overamped R&B and fuzz-fueled garage punk." Since forming, the
band has performed shows with Mudhoney, The Lyres, The Dirtbombs,
Rocket from the Tombs, Dead Moon, Comets on Fire, The Datsuns, The
BellRays, The Von Bondies, The Makers, Soledad Brothers, Flash
Express and many others. Their full length debut, "Volume" was
released by Alternative Tentacles Records in the fall of 2004.


TOM JONESING interview with SF Weekly:
It began in Queens, N.Y., in the late '60s, in the closet of
Steffanos Xanthoudakis' mother. There, on the back of her closet
door, hung the lordly image of the singer who is known by many
names, but whose admirers refer to him simply as "The Voice."
There, in Xanthoudakis' childhood memory, was a life-size poster
of Tom Jones.

"I know now that we walk through the world in a similar way,"
Xanthoudakis (pronounced "zan-thu-DOCK-is") reminisces 30-some
years later. "There are traits that are just naturally inherent in
me that are naturally inherent in him."

Sitting across from him, I have to agree. It's not just the way
that Xanthoudakis (aka "Tantric Tom") wears the mutton chops and
pinstriped ass-pants (and he wears them well, oh boy!); there's
some other intangible parallel between the star of local tribute
act Tom Jonesing (aka "The World's Most Powerful Tom Jones Band")
and the man he impersonates. There's something in the casually
libidinous manner that Xanthoudakis shares with the man who
decorated his mother's closet.

If Xanthoudakis were a little shorter, a little rounder, and spoke
a little more with a Welsh lilt (his speech is inflected with a
touch of the Brooklyn yawp from his childhood), he'd be a dead
ringer for the Voice, the Big TJ, Sex Bomb. And since it was
impossible to get said Bomb on the other end of the phone to
preview his four upcoming San Francisco shows ("I can't even
explain how busy Tom is," fluttered the Voice's PR flack),
Xanthoudakis is my only method for understanding the man who has
been the target of so many tossed panties -- or at least the man
pretending to be the man who has been the target of so many tossed
panties. Even that, at times, seems like cooking a little too
close to the fire.

"A lot of tight pants," Xanthoudakis purrs when asked about the
secret to understanding Tom Jones' magnetism. "A lot of tight
pants. And a lot of texture. When you are buying clothes, buy for
texture. You gotta wear the clothes that people want to rub."

For more go to:


Potion presents the sounds of the past as heard through a musical
kaleidoscope from the future using an eclectic mixture of rhythms
and samples as its sonic base. Melodious keyboard riffs and guitar
layers support the hypnotic pop vocals creating imaginary and
symbolic worlds outside of time and space.

Potion has a way of evoking nostalgia for a place and time you
didn't even know you were longing for, or perhaps haven't even
lived yet, all while luring your body onto the dance floor with a
melodious, sometimes up-tempo, sometimes sensual fusion of musical
styles and rhythms that evoke distant explored places and timely
wicked truths.

The band's third disc has chiseled out an elusive space. One
between agonizing--and redeeming--love and longing, scalding
political commentary concealed just beneath the silvery veil of
Annie Maley's raw silk voice, and time-tripping space-traveling
galactic adventure. Band of Outsiders explodes into immediate
movement, and keeps the sonic energy flowing effortlessly, from
sonic to sensual to ferocious and back again. It's a continuum
that merges seemingly separate stories and moods into one
spiraling, but ever-forward drift.

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

Rickshaw Stop
155 Fell St at Van Ness


----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------


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