Try this configuration :

For Sqwebmail :
env "LIBS=-L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz"
/configure --with-authvchkpw  --enable-cgibindir=/your/cgi-bin/directory  --
enable-imagedir=/your/image/directory --without-authpam --without-authuserdb
 --enable-webpass=no --without-authpwd --without-authshadow

For Vpopmail :
./configure --enable-mysql=y

and it's working for me.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Russell P. Sutherland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Building sqwebmail for use with vpopmail

> I'm trying to build sqwebmail (v2.1.1) to
> authenticate with vpopmail 4.9.10 which is using mysql
> for authenication.
> Does anyone have a list of configuration options
> that work?

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