Hi all:
  Is anybody successfully configure and authorize with authldap module??I
failed to login and got the following error:

"chdir: No such file or directory
[Sun Aug 25 09:58:42 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /home/sqwebmail/cgi-bin/sqwebmail"

This means login should be ok,but something wrong.
Then i checked the authldaprc , it was correctly as i know.
  My openldap works fine with postfix (postfix+ldap with Virtualdomain and
virtualuser support) , so the configuration of openldap should be

  The following is my configuration of sqwebmail and authldaprc:
1.Configuration derective:
./configure --enable-unicode=ISO-8859-1,US-ASCII,GB2312
--with-htmllibdir=${prefix} --enable-mimecharset=gb2312 --with-maxarg
size=5000000 --with-maxformargsize=5000000 --with-maxmsgsize=5000000
--disable-autorenamesent --enable-softtimeout=1800 --ena
ble-mimetypes=/etc/httpd/conf/apache-mime.types --prefix=${prefix}
--enable-cgibindir=${prefix}/cgi-bin --enable-imagedir=${p
refix}/html/sqwebmail/images --enable-imageurl=/sqwebmail/images
--with-cachedir=${prefix}/share --without-authpam --without-
authuserdb --without-authpwd --without-authshadow --without-authmysql
--without-authvchkpw --without-authcram --without-authc
ustom --with-authldap --with--authldaprc=${prefix} --with-formdata
--disable-utf7-folder-encoding --with-makedatprog=${prefix
}/libexec/sqwebmail/makedatprog --sysconfdir=${prefix}

LDAP_SERVER             localhost
LDAP_PORT               389

LDAP_BASEDN             dc=MailServer,dc=CN
#LDAP_BINDDN            cn=administrator, o=example, c=com
#LDAP_BINDPW            toto

LDAP_MAIL               mail
LDAP_FILTER             (objectClass=MailAccount)
LDAP_GLOB_UID           1000
LDAP_GLOB_GID           1000

LDAP_HOMEDIR            homeDirectory
LDAP_MAILROOT           /home/domains
LDAP_MAILDIR            ./

LDAP_CLEARPW            clearPassword
LDAP_CRYPTPW            userPassword
LDAP_TLS                0

3.sample ldapsearch:
[root@gnu httpd]# ldapsearch -x -b
'[EMAIL PROTECTED],vd=gd.cn,o=Postfix,dc=MailServer,dc=CN'
version: 2

# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# [EMAIL PROTECTED], gd.cn, Postfix, MailServer, CN
dn: [EMAIL PROTECTED],vd=gd.cn,o=Postfix,dc=MailServer,dc=CN
objectClass: top
objectClass: MailAccount
accountActive: TRUE
homeDirectory: /home/domains
mailbox: gd.cn/user1/
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9VmlyUFFrUmJETm1US3BMdjRXWFgyR2tWQVY5bGFXSjk=
clearPassword: user1

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

According to above configuration and ldapsearch result, i think openldap
works fine.And the error pick up from httpd's error_log shows "chdir: No
such file or directory", i think something wrong with sqwebmail code or
some sqwebmail configuration .

But i CAN'T find the missing or incorrect things !!:-(

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