My FreeBSD box installed automake 1.4.5 and autoconf 213
I 'll upgrade them !!:) thx!! btw:  how "with-trashquota" work with
sqwebmail quota ????? It means what?? according to Maildir++ specification
quota doesn't include mails in trash . but if i want to count all folders'
mail , need i work hard to do that??? It seems that *with-trashquota*
doesn't work , or i make mistake?? move file to trash, quota still decrease

Sam , I'm so sorry for asking such foolish and silly question ..but i 'm
very doubtful and feel comfuse on quota in sqwebmail ..:( 

Sam Varshavchik writes: 

> hzqbbc writes:  
>> After i run autobot , i encounter error when i run ./configure at the top
>> sqwebmail source tree....
> You also need to install gettext, as well as you should have automake 1.6 and 
>autoconf 2.5x  
> -- 
> Sam  

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