I have install dotbook*(from 2.x-4.x) and jade, when building html in sq webmail, 
../docbook/sgml2html makeuserdb.sgml makeuserdb.html.in
jw: Please specify at least one catalog
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /home/hzqbbc/src/sqwebmail-20021011/sqwebmail/userdb. 

i add "-c /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog" to docbook/sgml2html for the
docbook2html command ( I know almost nothing about SGML and xml :() .
it works better but still failed and return error..... 

btw:docbook-style-dsssl doesn't provide freebsd ports ? ..so this means
i must install docbook-style-dsssl from source ? .. 

Sam Varshavchik writes: 

> On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 04:00:54AM +0000, hzqbbc wrote:
>> I see,thanks!
>> btw: how to build man and html help in sqwebmial ??
>> i have install jade, docbook-utils(from source code) but also failed to
>> build html/man from sgml ...What kinds of softwares i need to do this??
> You also need to install: 
> * The DSSSL style sheets (docbook-style-dsssl-1.76-6) 
> * Docbook DTDs (docbook-dtds) 
> -- 
> Sam 

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