Found the ScriptLog directive at the Apache docs website. Here's the meaningful of the output:
#############################################3 %response %stderr chdir: No such file or directory ############################################### So, how could I find out what directory it's trying to CD into? /var/cache/sqwebmail exists and is owned by "bin" with rwx permissions. I've tried removing the "bannerprogram.cgi" reference in ./configure, and reinstall. No change. Settings in authldaprc: LDAP_SERVER LDAP_PORT 389 LDAP_BASEDN ou=accounts,dc=mycompany,dc=com LDAP_BINDDN cn=root,dc=mycompany,dc=com LDAP_BINDPW mysecret LDAP_TIMEOUT 20 LDAP_MAIL mail LDAP_FILTER (ou=accounts) LDAP_GLOB_UID vmail LDAP_GLOB_GID vmail LDAP_HOMEDIR /var/qmail/maildirs/. LDAP_MAILDIR ./Maildir LDAP_CLEARPW userPassword LDAP_DEREF never LDAP_TLS 0 LDAP_EMAILMAP_ATTRIBUTE cn The actual email is stored in directory: /var/qmail/maildirs/{ldap::mailMessageStore}/{ldap::cn}/Maildir/... How could I determine what is going wrong here? Thanks, Ben