
I am also having the same problem. Do you mean that you copied the en-us
directory into your domain sub-directory in the http web server's document root?
(/var/www/html/en-us would be my path)?
No, that isn't what I did. For the virtual domains you can create their individual directories in /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/html.


then softlink /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/html/ to

Add the SetEnv in httpd.conf for the virtual host:
SetEnv SQWEBMAIL_TEMPLATEDIR /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/html/

I copied the images/webmail to the virtual domain's image dir and aliased it:

Alias /webmail /the root/of your/virt domain/images/webmail

I copied the al the files in the "/usr/local/share/sqwebmail/html/en-us" and then added
the SetEnv SQWEBMAIL_TEMPLATEDIR  /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/
You missed the html dir before the / and you need the en-us and en dirs inside it.

I tried setting "Alias  /webmail  /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/html/" in httpd.conf.
Sqwebmail using the default pre make config script will look for /webmail in Apaches root/images/


With this, Apache can load other files in this directory except for, index.html.
I assume that this is the home page that the sqwebmail CGI is trying to load.
No mater what I do, Apache can't find the index.html document and gives this message as an error.

Thanks for what ever help you can give me.
Tom S.

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