I have sqwebmail setup for use with virtual domains.  Some of my clients
have a different login id than their email address.  Mostly because they
insitThis works fine for courier-imap, however with sqwebmail they get in
ok, but their login id is then appended to the hostname of the server as
their address.  From what I've been able to discern sqwebmail gets the
hostname from the login id and uses the system hostname if one is not
supplied.  Does anyone know if there is there a way to get it to pull that
info from that database instead?  I could put another entry for them in the
db that includes the @hostname so they could sign in that way for sqwebmail,
but it still doesn't stop them from using the other by accident.  So I
really don't want to do that if it can be avoided.  Any ideas would be

Rick Erlandson

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