::Hmm, on FreeBSD anyway, sig 10 is a bus error exception. kill -l
::(ell) will
::list them for you.
::- Are your clients using SSL (https:)?
::- Is your SSL installation up to date?
::- I vaguely remember seeing some mod_ssl configs specific to
::older versions
::  of IE, and also the following from sqwebmail's INSTALL:
::   Here's how to tweak Apache to work around this particular bug. Add the
::   following   directive  to  Apache's  httpd.conf  forces  the  HTTP/1.0
::   protocol response for Internet Explorer clients:
::BrowserMatch "MSIE [45]" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
::(although that is discussing a different problem, it might be worth a try)


Thanks for the reply. I probably should have stated that we don't use SSL at
all. The apache install (installed from ports) didn't include SSL.

I have added that line to the httpd.conf...

I am assuming it is a regex of some sort...

I will test it out with my users later on today.

Thank you for your guidance.

Tom Walsh

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