----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Webb - Network Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 8:56 PM
Subject: [sqwebmail] templates (revisited)

> I'm sure this has been touched on thousands of times, but my searches
> through the archives don't turn up what I'm looking for.
> I understand how to setup a template, but I don't know how to take the
> existing html docs and modify them to provide a "new look" What is
> changeable and what isn't?

Obviously all of the HTML in the templates themselves is changable.
Limitation comes from the output of the various CGI "tags" embedded
in the templates. Most of these tags output more than just one HTML
object (like a combo box or a input field). Most tags output entire
sections of the page, including buttons, emails, and other large
items like the folder list.

When you run across a tag that outputs a lot of HTML like that, you
can't change the HTML the tag outputs without patching the CGI. You
can, however, usually change the color of the outputted HTML via the
sqwebmail.css stylesheet. (look in /path/to/apache/htdocs/webmail)

You can find a reference for all of the sqwebmail CGI tags and a
brief description of their functions here:


Happy hacking.


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