Tom Lisjac writes:
> I'm new to the list and apologize if this question has been asked
> before. I'm trying to get sqwebmail going on a remote v-host running
> apache and courier. Everything compiles ok but "make install" trips on
> the chown root for the sqwebmail executable. I will never have root
> access on the remote box but Apache is configured for suEXEC.

Suexec is not supported.  Sqwebmail can be made to work with suexec,
but unless you can login as the vpopmail user or su to the vpopmail user
then you can't do it.  You'd also need to over-ride the location of the
shared stuff like templates because unless you're root you can't put it
in the default /usr/local/share/sqwebmail.

Either you're in a very strange situation trying to install sqwebmail
for a paranoid sysadmin or you're trying to get sqwebmail going as an
ordinary web user.  In the former situation you might be able to get
the sysadmin to do the necessary stuff.  In the latter you do not have
a hope unless your web hosting username is the same as the vpopmail user.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

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