On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 02:11:06PM -0500, William Snow wrote:
> Error page only says:  Invalid Syntax Error - Page Cannot be Displayed.

Another useless error message from Microsoft :-( Invalid syntax in what -
the URL? The HTML?

A quick google shows that MHTML is "MIME encapsulation of HTML" (rfc 2557
and http://www.dsv.su.se/~jpalme/ietf/mhtml.html)

But I've never seen any URL starting 'mhtml:'

> Yes, nothing in error log and nothing in messages.  Access log is reporting:
> - - [09/Feb/2004:13:44:28 -0500] "GET 
> /cgi-bin/sqwebmail/sqwebmail/login/username.authdaemon/B38DCEF0296DF88E14BAB4713369332E/1076351959?folder=INBOX&form=fetch&pos=1&mimeid=1.2
> HTTP/1.1" 200 3141 
            ^^^ ^^^^
200 = page successfully returned
3141 = size in bytes

So it looks like the page is being returned properly. Why Microsoft IE is
munging it I don't know.


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