On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 09:56:49AM -0600, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> > Because vpopmail is returning the wrong userid, so sqwebmail is running as
> > root (uid=0) instead of the correct uid for that user?
> you would think, however, that this so-called flaw would be apparent in
> other uses of vpopmail, such as qmail-pop3d, bincimap, etc..

vpopmail is a fragile and buggy application. Until recently, if you tried to
perform two successive authentications, the second authentication would fail
if the username was shorter than the first one, because a buffer was not
being cleared.

Hence it worked in some applications - start, open library, validate a user,
quit - but not in others (like authdaemond, which hangs around to perform
multiple authentications)

qmail-pop3d forks a fresh authentication process for each login, so this
particular bug would not be apparent. I can't speak for bincimap.

The point is, it's quite possible for libvpopmail to be broken in a way
which causes the problem seen; and if they won't put together a proper test
suite, then you can choose either to live with its bugs, find and fix them
yourself, or use something else.



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