On Sun, 2004-03-14 at 09:05, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Jeremy Kitchen writes:
> > On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 21:19, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> >> And what exactly is the problem with showing the ACL icon next to each 
> >> folder?
> > 
> > users.  When users see something they aren't used to seeing, they call
> > tech support.
> Then you need to get new users.

I agree that education is the key to solving the internet's problems,
however when one is an ISP, one must try very hard not to generate calls
and make their tech support personnel {sui,homi}cidal.  Also, ISPs can't
afford to just disconnect their users for being confused by new
'features' :)

I worked dialup ISP tech support for about 9 months.  It was 9 months of
hell, let me tell you.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

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