I recently installed sqwebmail 4.0.4 on a freebsd 4.9 server.  I'm using
openldap for authentication.  The goal is to have a large customer base
using this server to check their mail via the web.  Everything seems to
work well, just have a couple of questions.

1. Is there a level of logging that can show login successes and failures?
I know debug will show you the information, along with a lot of other
unneeded information.  Another thing that makes the debug level hard to
use is that the rejected logins don't show the username on the
same line as the reject message.  That makes grepping it from a log rather

2.  I would like to be able to have line wrapping in the read message
section.  The way it is now, if a message is larger than my screen, it
just keeps going.  I have tried doing it with tables and such but it
doesn't work.  Has anyone come acrost a solution to this before?


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