
I do not know whether SQWebmail is still being revised or further 
developed, but in case it is, I have a suggestion/request, that may 
improve efficiency of use of the application.

On the Mail Filters screen, the options for manipulating the filters, 
include Up, Down, Edit, Delete, and Add.

The Up and Down buttons, move the highlighted filter up or down, one 
position at a time, so that, if a person has five filters that are to be 
applied as the last filters, and, creates an extra twelve filters, to 
bubble all of the last five filters down to the bottom of the list, 
requires 60 transactions. As this is done manually, it can take a bit of 
time, to create new filters, and put them in the appropriate places, 
with most of the time spent in the positioning.

I have just counted, and I have about 323 filters altogether (mostly to 
deal with spam, and, most of which (and, also most future additions), 
could be replaced by a single filter, if it could be created - I know 
what I think the filter needs to be, but I think it would be difficult 
to implement, and it could not be created using SQWebMail as it exists). 
To bubble a new filter up to the top of the list, would probably take 
about an hour or so.

My suggestion/request, is for two extra option buttons to be added to 
the Mail Filters screen; one being "Top", or, "Move to Top", to move the 
highlighted filter to the top of the list, the other being "Bottom", or, 
"Move to Bottom", to move the highlighted filter to the bottom of the 

This would change an hour-long job, of creating and positioning filters, 
into a job taking just a few minutes.

So, if there is anyone there, who maintains and revises SQWebMail, 
please consider this request/suggestion.

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of 
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
  written by Douglas Adams, 
  published by Pan Books, 1992 

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