Configuring a new email server (debian) using:

amavis + spamassassin

Got it all working except for sqwebmail.  Have done this before so don't
know what's different this time, but am getting this error when going to
sqwebmail in a browser:

"Internal Error
The webmail system is temporarily unavailable.  An error occured in
function write: Transport endpoint is not connected."

... and that's all I get.  Nothing else in the logs that helps out.

I checked to make sure sqwebmail is running and it is ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# ps aux |grep sqweb
root      8811  0.0  0.0  1668  392 ?        S    17:51   0:00
/usr/sbin/courierlogger -pid=/var/run/courier/ -start
root      8812  0.0  0.0  4132  864 ?        S    17:51   0:00
/usr/lib/courier/courier/sqwebmaild, etc.

Any thoughts?  This is a new one on me.



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