
during the preparations of Kamailio v5.2.0 and the days after, I got the
time to run some tests in order to see the differences of running
similar SIP routing logic when using native configuration file scripting
versus KEMI languages. So far I did it for Lua and Python (v2),
hopefully I will find time to run also for the rest of supported
scripting languages: Python (v3), JavaScript, Ruby, Squrrel and Lua with

The pleasant surprise was to see that this time, the results of using
Python were similar to native scripting and Lua. When I did some basic
tests during development of KEMI, using Python seemed slower.

More details about how tests were performed, the config files/scripts,
used tools and results were published in a wiki page:

  - https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/kemi/performance-tests/5.2.x

A news article with further details is on kamailio website:


Should anyhow of you have some time to run the tests in own environment
and share the results (on sr-users mailing list), it would be
appreciated and would help to validate the tests and discover if I
forgot something in any of the configs. Note that the goal of the tests
is not measuring the capacity of Kamailio in your environment, but see
the differences between using different scripting languages in the same
environment (so you can do the tests on raspberry pi, if you like).

I would also be interested in knowing if you are using Kamailio with
KEMI or you are planning to, if yes, which scripting language. If
already doing it, is already in production? These are useful to plan
where to allocate developer resources in the future...

And to start, I am running Kamailio with Lua (4 instances) and Python
(1) scripting in production deployments, with very good results so far.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference - May 6-8, 2019 -- www.kamailioworld.com
Kamailio Advanced Training -- www.asipto.com

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