Module: kamailio
Branch: master
Commit: 6a19434d4b93a8ec6e345b55ff1b83ff6bd38596

Author: Kamailio Dev <>
Committer: Kamailio Dev <>
Date: 2023-06-12T18:16:32+02:00

modules: readme files regenerated - mqueue ... [skip ci]


Modified: src/modules/mqueue/README




diff --git a/src/modules/mqueue/README b/src/modules/mqueue/README
index a8981a68aee..3db56e8f54b 100644
--- a/src/modules/mqueue/README
+++ b/src/modules/mqueue/README
@@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ val character varying(4096) DEFAULT "" NOT NULL
           + size: size of the queue. Specifies the maximum number of items
             in queue. If exceeded the oldest one is removed. If not set
             the queue will be limitless.
-          + dbmode: If set to 1, the content of the queue is written to
-            database table when the SIP server is stopped (i.e., ensure
-            persistency over restarts). If set to 2, it is written at
-            shutdown but not read at startup. If set to 3, it is read at
-            sartup but not written at shutdown. Default value is 0 (no db
-            table interaction).
+          + dbmode: If set to 1, the content of the queue is read from
+            database at startup and is written to database table when the
+            SIP server is stopped (i.e., ensure persistency over
+            restarts). If set to 2, it is read at startup but not written
+            at shutdown. If set to 3, it is written at shutdown but not
+            read at startup. Default value is 0 (no db table interaction).
           + addmode: how to add new (key,value) pairs.
                o 0: Will push all new (key,value) pairs at the end of the
                  queue. (default)

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