
the description of "expires_offset" says "The value in seconds that should be 
subtracted from the expires value when sending a 200OK for a publish"

but this value is used for subscriptions and AFAICT its behaviour is not 
when checking expired subscriptions it subtracts the offset from current time 
instead of adding it.

in update_db_subs_timer_dbonly
qcols[0]= &str_expires_col;
qvals[0].type = DB1_INT;
qvals[0].nul = 0;
qvals[0].val.int_val= (int)time(NULL) - expires_offset;
qops[0]= OP_LT;

i think the behavior should be to subtract the value when sending the NOTIFY 
but add (or not use it) when checking for expired records.
if anyone thinks this shouldn't be like this, please comment.
i'll try to create a PR for this if no comments against this.


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