
On 29.06.17 12:45, vuleetu wrote:
> Hi, all
>    Is there any way to get remote ip address of both sender($si) and
> receiver(?)? I am configuring kamailio with multiple rtpproxy sets.
> Basically, rtpproxy set will be choosed based on the country those ip
> addresses of caller and callee belong to. Lets say if caller and
> callee are both in US, set 1 will selected. If they are not in the
> same country, set 2 will be selected.  I dont know if there is any way
> to do that.
source IP is $si.

For target IP, I assume you use registrar/usrloc - after lookup
location, if $du is not null, then $dd gives the address, otherwise $rd.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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