Just one last thing, are you absolutely certain there's no firewall doing
the damage there? It's quite common for firewall-blocked traffic to show up
with tcpdump, but never reach the application...

On 12 October 2017 at 20:26, Mark Boyce <m...@darkorigins.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Now using listen=udp:
> net stat agrees;
> netstat -plunt | grep kamailio
> udp        0      0  *
>       20486/kamailio
> TCPDump of Sending / Receiving to zero tier port
> 17:06:19.617467 IP sbc-1.white-label.com.sip > SIP
>         0x0000:  4510 04f1 a504 0000 4011 904e 894a abd8  E.......@..N.J..
>         0x0010:  0a05 0172 13c4 2364 04dd 261b 0110 0211  ...r..#d..&.....
>         0x0020:  13c4 13d8 894a abd8 894a abd8 494e 5649  .....J...J..INVI
>         0x0030:  5445 2073 6970 3a32 4073 6263 2d31 2e77  TE.sip:2@sbc-1.w
> Nothing in Kamailio Logs
> Swap to using the real IP and I’m seeing the log line from the top of the
> main route;
> Oct 12 19:09:32 vps465590 homer[20491]: ERROR: <script>: route entered
> and the matching tcpdump from the public interface;
> 17:10:20.333000 IP sbc-1.white-label.com.sip > homer-test.9060: SIP
>         0x0000:  4510 03d8 863c 0000 3911 6109 894a abd8  E....<..9.a..J..
>         0x0010:  33ff 2d9e 13c4 2364 03c4 f5a8 0110 0216  3.-...#d........
>         0x0020:  07de 13c5 5c17 3523 894a abd8 494e 5649  ....\.5#.J..INVI
>         0x0030:  5445 2073 6970 3a32 4073 6263 2d31 2e77  TE.sip:2@sbc-1.w
> Loading the dumped packets in to wireshark I can’t see any obvious
> difference.
> Will start up a new thread … thanks for the loan of yours :-)
> Mark
> On 12 Oct 2017, at 17:21, George Diamantopoulos <georged...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hmm... Everything looks fine indeed, I can't see any obvious reason why
> this isn't working...
> Just to be clear, have you tried listening on all interfaces:
> listen=udp:
> And if yes, can you capture traffic arriving on the ZeroTier interface in
> this case? If it works, is there any reason why listening on all interfaces
> is not acceptable in your use case?
> Regardless, it might be a good idea to start a new thread about this,
> maybe it's related to the inner workings of the ZeroTier device and how it
> interacts with the kernel...
> On 12 October 2017 at 18:26, Mark Boyce <m...@darkorigins.com> wrote:
>> Hi George
>> (IP / MACs below anonymised a bit)
>> I’m working on a https://www.zerotier.com VPN endpoint which presents as
>> a new interface;
>> Real Interface
>> ens3      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>           inet6 addr: aaaaa::bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee/64 Scope:Link
>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>           RX packets:12978431 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>           TX packets:11331437 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>           RX bytes:2508723344 (2.5 GB)  TX bytes:1149701606 (1.1 GB)
>> loopback
>> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>>           inet addr:  Mask:
>>           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
>>           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
>>           RX packets:58936 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>           TX packets:58936 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1
>>           RX bytes:12470726 (12.4 MB)  TX bytes:12470726 (12.4 MB)
>> ZeroTier
>> zt0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy
>>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:2800  Metric:1
>>           RX packets:11148 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>           TX packets:1113 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>           RX bytes:3760555 (3.7 MB)  TX bytes:584324 (584.3 KB)
>> This is actually a SIPCapture/Homer node so the config is;
>> modparam("sipcapture", "capture_on", 1)
>> modparam("sipcapture", "hep_capture_on", 1)
>> listen=udp:
>> The port bind looks ok;
>> # netstat -plunt | grep kamailio
>> udp        0      0*
>>       19592/kamailio
>> I’m tracking packets at the top of "route {“
>> route {
>>         xlog("route entered\r\n”);
>> If I tcpdump the ZeroTier Interface ;
>> tcpdump -i zt0 -p -X  port 9060
>> 15:08:38.556323 IP sbc-1.white-label.com.sip > SIP
>>         0x0000:  4510 0181 7883 0000 4011 c03f 894a abd8  E...x...@
>> ..?.J..
>>         0x0010:  0a05 0172 13c4 2364 016d e2e2 0110 0216  ...r..#d.m......
>>         0x0020:  07a8 13c5 5c17 3523 894a abd8 4143 4b20  ....\.5#.J..ACK.
>> … but nothing seen in kamailio.
>> If I swap over to sending to / listening on the public IP everything
>> works as expected.
>> Cheers
>> Mark
>> On 12 Oct 2017, at 15:56, George Diamantopoulos <georged...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> That seems strange... What kind of device is that VPN device? Like a ppp0
>> interface? What is the output of "netstat -plunt | grep kamailio"? Are you
>> using a "private" IP for the VPN interface and what's your main routing
>> table like?
>> Also what if you omit the "listen" directive in kamailio configuration?
>> Does it listen on the VPN interface then? Kamailio will bind by default to
>> all interfaces if no "listen" directive is used...
>> On 12 October 2017 at 00:26, Mark Boyce <m...@darkorigins.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> Just to dive in here with something which may be related.  I was about
>>> to do a post with a much simpler problem where I have one real NIC and one
>>> VPN created NIC.  If I listen to the public IP all’s well.  If I listen to
>>> the IP of the VPN NIC Kamailio doesn’t see any traffic.   I can tcpdump on
>>> either NIC and see the traffic arriving.
>>> Anyone seen / solved this before?
>>> Cheers
>>> Mark
>>> On 11 Oct 2017, at 22:07, George Diamantopoulos <georged...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Daniel,
>>> I'm including the original sketch for clarity:
>>>  +----------+      +-------------------+
>>>  |   eth0   |      |    vrf-green      |
>>>  |  |      |      |
>>>  +----------+      +-------------------+
>>>                             |
>>>                       +----------+
>>>                       |   eth1   |
>>>                       |  |
>>>                       +----------+
>>> Thanks for the reply. Indeed, using the advertise option for the
>>> "listen" directive will result in kamaiio no longer failing to start when
>>> using force_send_socket( with being used in the
>>> "advertise" option.
>>> However, this doesn't make much of a difference in that kamailio still
>>> won't process IP packets arriving on eth1 at IP I can see
>>> OPTIONS coming with sngrep, but nothing in the logs, no replies, only
>>> retransmissions from the originator.
>>> In addition, while without VRF kamailio will select the right interface
>>> with mhomed=1, this is no longer the case.
>>> Also, If I try to send something to a host with force_send_socket, the
>>> transaction fails with 477 Unfortunately error on sending to next hop
>>> occurred. In the log, kamailio prints something along the lines of:
>>> udp_send(): sendto(sock,0x7f5c4f937d08,1888,0,,16): Invalid
>>> argument(22)
>>> udp_send(): invalid sendtoparameters
>>> msg_send_buffer(): udp_send failed
>>> where is the $dd and presumably force_send_socket(
>>> has been called before t_relay()
>>> Also, I additionally found out that if the networking configuration is
>>> as follows:
>>>  +----------+      +-------------------+   +-------------------+
>>>  |   eth0   |      |    vrf-green      |   |    vrf-red        |
>>>  |  |      |      |   |      |
>>>  +----------+      +-------------------+   +-------------------+
>>>                             |                       |
>>>                       +----------+            +----------+
>>>                       |   eth1   |            |   eth2   |
>>>                       |  |            |  |
>>>                       +----------+            +----------+
>>> Then this won't work for vrf-red:
>>> listen=vrf-green:5060 advertise
>>> listen=vrf-red:5060 advertise
>>> One needs to use different IPs for the MASTER devices (say and
>>> for kamailio to startup with the above listen directives.
>>> It's a bit surprising it doesn't work. According to a user on cumulus
>>> slack channel (cumulus contributed the VRF code to the linux kernel): "any
>>> app that has a command line or option switch to call SO_BINDTODEVICE on the
>>> sockets can be configured to use any VRF".
>>> I guess the problem lies in that kamailio binds to several sockets and
>>> there are multiple routing tables to consult, so mhomed doesn't work as
>>> expected (if every table has a default route and nothing more specific than
>>> that). But still, this doesn't really explain why binding to the VRF master
>>> net devices doesn't work (I mean, "ping -I vrf-green" works just fine for
>>> ping)...
>>> I don't think VRF support is very useful for most users though, I just
>>> had one corner case I needed to tackle and VRF seemed like an easy fix.
>>> I'll think of an alternative at some point, I guess.
>>> On 26 September 2017 at 09:52, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
>>> mico...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > I haven't worked with vrf here, so no first hand experience ...
>>> >
>>> > What happens if you try with next option?
>>> >
>>> > listen=vrf-green:5060 advertise
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Daniel
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On 25.09.17 19:10, George Diamantopoulos wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Sorry to bump this, but it would be very useful if I knew whether
>>> there's any point in pursuing this or not. Any hints?
>>> >
>>> > On 21 September 2017 at 14:06, George Diamantopoulos <
>>> georged...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Hello,
>>> >>
>>> >> I have a use case where I need to have kamailio bind to a VRF device.
>>> The configuration in question is similar to the example below, where eth1
>>> is a slave to the VRF-lite device:
>>> >>
>>> >>  +----------+      +-------------------+
>>> >>  |   eth0   |      |    vrf-green      |
>>> >>  |  |      |      |
>>> >>  +----------+      +-------------------+
>>> >>                             |
>>> >>                       +----------+
>>> >>                       |   eth1   |
>>> >>                       |  |
>>> >>                       +----------+
>>> >>
>>> >> Both the main routing table and "vrf-green" routing table have a
>>> default route.
>>> >>
>>> >> What I need to be able to do is have kamailio bind to both interfaces:
>>> >>
>>> >> listen=eth0:5060
>>> >> listen=vrf-green:5060
>>> >>
>>> >> And additionally be able to use force_send_socket to select an
>>> interface, for example:
>>> >>
>>> >> force_send_socket(udp:;
>>> >>
>>> >> However, I can't get this to work. The above configuration fails
>>> because there is no listen directive for Also, kamailio doesn't
>>> process packets received on the VRF with the above listen directives, it
>>> behaves as if it doesn't listen on indeed.
>>> >>
>>> >> In addition using either of the below:
>>> >>
>>> >> listen=udp:
>>> >> or
>>> >> listen=eth1:5060
>>> >>
>>> >> fails with an error upon starting kamailio.
>>> >>
>>> >> According to the kernel documentation:
>>> >>
>>> >> Applications that are to work within a VRF need to bind their socket
>>> to the
>>> >> VRF device:
>>> >>
>>> >>     setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, dev, strlen(dev)+1);
>>> >>
>>> >> or to specify the output device using cmsg and IP_PKTINFO.
>>> >>
>>> >> The question is, is VRF useable with kamailio right now? Or is
>>> development needed? Thanks!
>>> >>
>>> >> BR,
>>> >>
>>> >> George
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>> > www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>>> > Kamailio Advanced Training - www.asipto.com
>>> > Kamailio World Conference - www.kamailioworld.com
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