Thanks for looking into this. I set debug=3 which gives the following debug 
messages. I included the mongod messages, which show a connection and end, but 
no succesful or failed authentication.

nov  7 15:45:21 kamailio: INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:75]: 
sctp_core_check_support(): SCTP API not enabled - if you want to use it, load 
sctp module
Nov  7 15:45:22 kamailio: WARNING: <core> [socket_info.c:1303]: fix_hostname(): 
could not rev. resolve <stripped>
Nov  7 15:45:22 /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[8905]: INFO: rr 
[../outbound/api.h:54]: ob_load_api(): unable to import bind_ob - maybe module 
is not loaded
Nov  7 15:45:22 /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[8905]: INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:174]: 
mod_init(): outbound module not available
Nov  7 15:45:22 /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[8905]: INFO: usrloc [hslot.c:51]: 
ul_init_locks(): locks array size 1024
Nov  7 15:45:22 /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[8905]: INFO: auth [auth_mod.c:333]: 
mod_init(): auth: qop set, but nonce-count (nc_enabled) support disabled
Nov  7 15:45:22 mongod.27017[8038]: [thread1] connection accepted from #20 (2 connections now open)
Nov  7 15:45:22 /opt/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[8905]: INFO: <core> 
[sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not initialized
Nov  7 15:45:22 mongod.27017[8038]: [conn20] end connection (2 
connections now open)

> Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2017 at 3:38 PM
> From: "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" <>
> To: "Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List" <>, 
> "hdssdsdsdsfsdf hdssdsdsdsfsdf" <>
> Subject: Re: [SR-Users] authenticating to mongodb fails
> Can you set debug=3 in kamailio.cfg and then look at debug messages to
> see there is some hint about what happens?
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 07.11.17 15:11, hdssdsdsdsfsdf hdssdsdsdsfsdf wrote:
> > When I connect using mongo, the credentials work:
> >
> > $ mongo kamailio -u "kam" -p "kam"
> > MongoDB shell version v3.4.9
> > connecting to: mongodb://
> > MongoDB server version: 3.4.9
> >> db.subscriber.find()
> > { "_id" : ObjectI ...
> >
> > But when I use the following DBURL in kamailio.cfg, kamailio fails to even 
> > login to mongo:
> >
> > #!define DBURL "mongodb://kam:kam@localhost/kamailio"
> >
> > If I disable mongodb authentication, kamailio starts up just fine again. 
> > Any idea what's going wrong here?
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
> >
> >
> -- 
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> --
> Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 13-15, 2017, in Berlin -
> Kamailio World Conference -

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