On 21.12.17 10:34, Daniel Tryba wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 04:45:07PM +0530, Arun NV wrote:
>> There is a requirement to add a new user to *Kamailio* programmatically
>> using *PHP*. I tried to add username and password to *subscriber* table
>> manually using *SQL* queries, but it won't works because *ha1* and
>> *ha1b* should
>> be added to the table. I don't know how Kamailio generate *ha1* and *ha1b*.
> ha1 and ha1b aren't needed. But you question has been asked in the past
> and even been answered:
> https://lists.kamailio.org/pipermail/sr-users/2010-May/063982.html
Siremis has the code to get ha1 and ha1b in PHP:


The keys of recArr should be self explanatory, however, if the realm is
not the same as domain, then repalce the domain field with realm value.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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