
what version of kamailio are you using?


On 07.01.18 22:14, je...@cyberchaos.nl wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm doing some tests with a lua script and app_lua. I'm using
> sr.sqlops.query to insert records into the database but would like to
> test the exit status of the sql query. In kamailio i can do:
> if(!sql_query("kamailio", "INSERT INTO subscriber ..."))
> Is there some kind of exit status for the lua function sr.sqlops.query
> in order to do the same check in lua? In other words, is it possible
> to check if a sql query was successful in lua? The result seems to be
> nill in all cases for a INSERT in lua using sr.sqlops.query.
> Thanks,
> Jan Hazenberg
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