That was it... Thanks...

The root cause of the problem was the firewall. It was blocking ipv6
transport for port 5061, and when I saw the "wrong" ip address in netstat I
assumed Kamailio had issue, because outcome is the same.

Best regards,

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 3:39 AM, Boden Garman <> wrote:

> Hi Marko,
> Depending on your version of netstat it may be truncating the IPv6
> address. Try using `ss -n -6 state listening` and see what it reports.
> On 20 April 2018 at 23:59, selak Dev <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to enable Kamailio to work with ipv6 also, and I enabled
>> auto_bind_ipv6=1
>> and when restarted I can see that it is listening to ipv6 ip addresses
>> also.
>> The problem is that it stripped the ip address at the end and it is
>> listening to the wrong one.
>> When I try to register I get timeout, since it is not listening the
>> correct address.
>> ip address of the server is 2604:a880:400:d0::yyyy:xxxx
>> and when I execute "sudo netstat -plnt" too see which app is listening to
>> which address/port I can see:
>> ....
>> tcp6       0      0 2604:a880:400:d0:::5085 :::*
>> LISTEN      17748/kamailio
>> tcp6       0      0 2604:a880:400:d0:::5061 :::*
>> LISTEN      17748/kamailio
>> It somehow stripped the last part of the address (yyyy:xxxx). I dont know
>> if it is related to :: which would be all zeros, but it doesn't work even
>> if i explicitly specify which address to listen with
>> listen=[2604:a880:400:d0:0000:0000:yyyy:xxxx]
>> or
>> listen=tcp:[2604:a880:400:d0:0000:0000:yyyy:xxxx]:5061
>> or
>> listen=tcp:[2604:a880:400:d0::yyyy:xxxx]:5061
>> I tried all combinations and the results are always the same...
>> Have anybody had this problem before?
>> Do you know how to fix this?
>> Best regards,
>> Marko Selakovic
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