
only spirals cannot be handled by topos due to its initial design (some
things needs to be changed for it), so the case you present should work.

>From the excerpts you present, there is an unexpected Record-Route with
the proxy address in the 200ok towards endpoint. Is it so or just a
mistake in what you pasted here? Because there should be no record-route
with proxy address if proxy does topos.


On 11.05.18 16:11, Daniel Tryba wrote:
> Scenario:
> endpoint (bob) <-> kamailio proxy (5.1.3) <-> kamailio backend (5.1.2)
> Both kamailio instances are running the topos module (mysql backend).
> Call setup is fine, but forwarding BYEs fail.
> With a call from endpoint to kamailio, topos on the proxy scrambles
> Contact to kamailio backend. But in responses from backend contact
> remains untouched. In the ACK to the 200, topos on the proxy does
> nothing. If the caller hangsup, the BYE will loop internally till max
> hops is exceeded (483 which will be send to caller eventually).
> When the backend initiates the call to the endpoint, topos appears to
> work, but the BYE from the endpoint on hangup get a 404 Not here from
> the proxy (route[WITHINDLG]).
> Disabling topos on the proxy will result in a functioning proxy (config
> attached).
> Is there something wrong with my config? Or is this an unforseen
> scenario that just doesn't work with topos?
> * Endpoint to backend scenario
> endpoint:5060 -> proxy:5060
> INVITE sip:cal...@sip.pocos.nl;transport=tcp SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;rport;branch=...
> Max-Forwards: 70
> Route: <sip:proxy:5060;lr>
> Contact: <sip:bob@endpoint:5060;ob>
> proxy:5060 -> backend:5060
> INVITE sip:cal...@sip.itco.nl;transport=tcp SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;branch=...
> CSeq: 29848 INVITE
> Route: <sip:proxy:5060;lr>
> Contact: <sip:btpsh-5af5972d-bf5e-2@proxy>
> backend:5060 -> proxy:5060
> SIP/2.0 200 OK
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;branch=...
> Contact: <sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend>
> proxy:5060 -> endpoint:5060
> SIP/2.0 200 OK
> Contact: <sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend>
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;received=endpoint;rport=5060;branch=...
> Record-Route: <sip:proxy;lr>
> endpoint:5060 -> proxy:5060
> ACK sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;rport;branch=...
> Route: <sip:proxy;lr>
> proxy:5060 -> backend:5060
> ACK sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;branch=...
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;received=endpoint;rport=5060;branch=...
> endpoint:5060 -> proxy:5060
> BYE sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;rport;branch=...
> Max-Forwards: 70
> Route: <sip:proxy;lr>
> proxy:5060 -> proxy:5060
> BYE sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;branch=...
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;received=endpoint;rport=5060;branch=...
> Max-Forwards: 69
> Route: <sip:proxy;lr>
> proxy:5060 -> proxy:5060
> BYE sip:atpsh-5af19bf0-9f94-7@backend SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;branch=...
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;rport=5060;branch=...
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;received=endpoint;rport=5060;branch=...
> Max-Forwards: 68
> Route: <sip:proxy;lr>
> [not going to mention the 50+ BYEs adding Vias and decrementing
> Max-Forwards.
> * Backend to endpoint scenario
> backend:5060 -> proxy:5060
> INVITE sip:bob@endpoint:5060;ob SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP backend;branch=...
> Route: <sip:loadbalancer@proxy;lr;received=sip:endpoint:5060>
> Contact: <sip:btpsh-5af07a27-72b-502c1@backend>
> proxy:5060 -> endpoint:5060
> INVITE sip:bob@endpoint:5060;ob SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;branch=...
> Contact: <sip:btpsh-5af5972d-bf5d-5@proxy>
> endpoint:5060 -> proxy:5060
> SIP/2.0 200 OK
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP proxy;received=proxy;branch=...
> Contact: <sip:bob@endpoint:5060;ob>
> proxy:5060 -> backend:5060
> SIP/2.0 200 OK
> Contact: <sip:bob@endpoint:5060;ob;alias=endpoint~5060~1>
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP backend;rport=5060;branch=...
> Record-Route: <sip:proxy;lr>
> endpoint:5060 -> proxy:5060
> BYE sip:btpsh-5af5972d-bf5d-5@proxy SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;rport;branch=...
> proxy:5060 -> endpoint:5060
> SIP/2.0 404 Not here
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP endpoint:5060;rport=5060;branch=...
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