
I personally agree with this. But perhaps there are different points of view 
out there - about how multiple ways to do a thing  represents a thriving 
marketplace of ideas. After all, there is a reason Perl evolved the way it did, 

Sent from mobile. Apologies for brevity and errors. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Henning Westerholt <h...@kamailio.org>
To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org
Cc: Alex Balashov <abalas...@evaristesys.com>
Sent: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] force_send_socket

Am Montag, 8. Oktober 2018, 13:24:22 CEST schrieb Alex Balashov:
> OK, I touched off a controversy with my use of the word "deprecated"
> that I did not intend, as the implied intellectual or policy commitment
> to that word is not really strong. :-)
> [..]
> Not everyone shares this exact set of tacit assumptions, I imagine, and
> I think that's what got folk exercised when I said "deprecated". These
> functions will surely remain for backward compatibility.

Hello Alex,

to add something more on the general level:

If we have old core functions (in a class like this one) that can be replaced 
completely with a new PV assigment or similar function, then we should indeed 
deprecate them with a log warning and then remove them completely later.

It is probably confusing especially for newcomers to Kamailio to have several 
functions with different semantics and syntax. 

Best regards,


Henning Westerholt - https://skalatan.de/blog/
Kamailio security assessment - https://skalatan.de/de/assessment

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