Hello Datiel,

Just tested and it works. Thank you very much!

пт, 19 жовт. 2018 о 09:50 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com> пише:

> Hello,
> can you try with latest version from branch 5.1 or master? The event route
> is using a faked message and its From/To headers were without sip schema. I
> pushed a commit to fix that.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 18.10.18 19:24, Володимир Іванець wrote:
> Hello Daniel!
> Thank you for the responce. It has "sip:" in the front. Here is how it
> gets created: $var(user_uri) = "sip:" + $var(user) + "@" and
> here is debug log:
> *DEBUG: <script>: == TRACE. websocket:closed*
> *DEBUG: <script>: == TRACE. websocket:closed. WebSocket connection from
> <> has closed. User: 100-test*
> *DEBUG: <script>: == TRACE. websocket:closed. user_uri:
> sip:100-test@ <sip%3A100-test@>*
> *DEBUG: registrar [lookup.c:256]: lookup_helper(): contact for [100-test]
> found by address                 **<== lookup("location",
> "$var(user_uri)");*
> *DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end
> of header reached, state=10*
> *DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [20];
> uri=[y...@kamailio.org <y...@kamailio.org>]*
> *DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body
> [<y...@kamailio.org <y...@kamailio.org>>*
> *DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_uri.c:1282]: parse_uri(): bad uri,
> state 0 parsed: <you@> (4) / <y...@kamailio.org <y...@kamailio.org>> (16)*
> *ERROR: <core> [core/parser/parse_to.c:81]: parse_to_uri(): failed to
> parse To uri*
> *ERROR: registrar [save.c:1040]: unregister(): failed to extract Address
> Of Record*
> чт, 18 жовт. 2018 о 18:29 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>
> пише:
>> Hello,
>> On 18.10.18 15:23, Володимир Іванець wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> I have *event_route[websocket:closed]* configured. By using *$si*, *$sp*
>> variables and data from special hash table I can figure out information
>> about account that was disconnected. I'm trying to use *unregister*
>> function against but with no luck.
>> 1. I'm creating variable which contains (as an example): "
>> sip:100-test@" string, where "100-test" is username.
>> 2. lookup("location", "$var(user_uri)") - runs fine. I'm getting a match
>> and lots of useful variables including *$ruid* are being set:
>> */usr/sbin/kamailio[27169]: DEBUG: registrar [lookup.c:256]:
>> lookup_helper(): contact for [100-test] found by address*
>> 3. But unfortenately *unregister* with same variable does not
>> work. unregister("location", "$var(user_uri)"):
>> *DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_uri.c:1282]: parse_uri(): bad uri,
>> state 0 parsed: <you@> (4) / <y...@kamailio.org <y...@kamailio.org>> (16)*
>> the variable seems to have only username@domain, not sip:username@domain
>> (which is a valid sip uri). Try with:
>> unregister("location", "sip:$var(user_uri)")
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> *ERROR: <core> [core/parser/parse_to.c:81]: parse_to_uri(): failed to
>> parse To uri*
>> *ERROR: registrar [save.c:1040]: unregister(): failed to extract Address
>> Of Record*
>> I was trying to manipulate *$var(user_uri)* variable's content but could
>> not make it work.
>> It's interesting that variant with *$ruid* - *unregister("location", "",
>> "$ruid")* will work but unfortenately it works only with *modparam("usrloc",
>> "db_mode", 1)*:
>> *ERROR: usrloc [urecord.c:655]: delete_urecord_by_ruid():
>> delete_urecord_by_ruid currently available only in db_mode=3*
>> I was wonderring if someone could tell me if I'm just using *unregister* 
>> function
>> with uri parameter in wrong format or there might be some other problem.
>> Thanks a lot!
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>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin -- www.asipto.com
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- 
> www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
> Kamailio World Conference -- www.kamailioworld.com
> Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin -- www.asipto.com
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