Am Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018, 10:30:35 CEST schrieb Seshu Kumar:
> As you pointed out Authenticatio-Info header is prepared, but it
> not added while forming  200 OK packet.
> In ims_registrar_scscf module "200 OK"  is formed in reply.c but no where I
> see
> Authentication-info header being added.

Hello Seshu,

then it sounds indeed like a bug in the module. It would be probably the best 
to create an issue in our bug tracker on github about this problem.

Best regards,

> On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 1:06 AM Henning Westerholt <> wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2018, 07:31:36 CEST schrieb Seshu Kumar:
> > > I have seen logs I didn't find any error per se.
> > > I am attaching the log file.
> > > Thank you for answering.
> > 
> > Hello Seshu,
> > 
> > according to the logs the header is at least one time build and added:
> > 
> > 5(27138) DEBUG: ims_auth [authorize.c:1663]: add_authinfo_resp_hdr():
> > authinfo
> > hdr built: Authentication-Info:
> > 
> > nextnonce="a3dc15ac2c8c9e4a4f9dd25403c891d3",qop=auth,rspauth="7ebe6bfa6b0
> > 87d23b548143a0c57389a",cnonce="b9d7ed7f",nc=00000001
> > 
> > 5(27138) DEBUG: ims_auth [authorize.c:1665]: add_authinfo_resp_hdr():
> > authinfo
> > hdr added 5(27138)
> > 
> > Can you observe this header on the network?
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Henning

Henning Westerholt -
Kamailio security assessment -

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