
thanks for sharing, very useful to know.

Was the wrong location of the iptables module a result of ugrading some
packages (like kernel or iptables)? I assume the initial installation
deploys the module in the right location. Asking to see if one needs to
do a re-install of the rtpengine after kernel or other specific updates.

Can step 2 be solved by a reboot of the server?


On 07.01.19 02:42, David Cunningham wrote:
> Hello all,
> We solved this issue with the help of Richard Fuchs. There were two
> issues:
> 1. The iptables module was in the wrong location and thus wasn't
> loaded. The daemon thought that the kernel was handling packets and
> took the ROC updates from it, but didn't actually see any packets and
> so the ROC reset, resulting in decryption errors. The correct location
> can be found with "pkg-config xtables --variable=xtlibdir".
> 2. Even after fixing the above, the iptables module didn't load
> properly until rtpengine was stopped, the iptables rules removed, the
> kernel module unloaded, and then this process reversed to load
> everything again.
> I hope this helps someone else in the future.
> On Wed, 12 Dec 2018 at 11:05, David Cunningham
> <dcunning...@voisonics.com <mailto:dcunning...@voisonics.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     We're having an issue with rtpengine (used by Kamailio) where
>     audio works initially, but then after an apparently random amount
>     of time stop working. We see that when audio stops working
>     rtpengine logs this:
>     Dec 10 09:58:57 hostname rtpengine[376]: WARNING:
>     [Pl1SeGDssOsDNWQdvey4lg.. port 48766]: Discarded invalid SRTP
>     packet: authentication failed
>     It then logs similar messages until the call hangs up. No such
>     messages were logged while audio was working.
>     Searching for this error message suggests that a change in the
>     SSRC can cause the problem, but we don't see any such change in
>     the PCAP. The source IP, port, codec, and SSRC all stay the same,
>     and the Sequence increments as normal.
>     Does anyone have suggestions on where to look next? We can share
>     the PCAP privately if that would help anyone.
>     Thanks for any advice!
>     -- 
>     David Cunningham, Voisonics Limited
>     http://voisonics.com/
>     USA: +1 213 221 1092
>     New Zealand: +64 (0)28 2558 3782
> -- 
> David Cunningham, Voisonics Limited
> http://voisonics.com/
> USA: +1 213 221 1092
> New Zealand: +64 (0)28 2558 3782
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