Hi there!

I'm using Kamailio 4.4.3, and I add this code to my Kamailio:

   event_route[usrloc:contact-expired] {

        xlog("L_INFO", "EXPIRED CONTACT START\n");
        xlog("L_INFO", "EXPIRED CONTACT for $ulc(exp=>aor)\n");
        xlog("L_INFO", "EXPIRED CONTACT END\n");

I can't see this entries in the log.

I read many times the docs and code, but I don't understand why it's not working.

I have two phone with 60 and 300 expiry seconds, if then expire, when it's event_route[usrloc:contact-expired] triggered?

Why this event route it's named as usrloc but it's documented in registrar module?

I need to provide more info about?

Thank you very much.

<<attachment: jv.vcf>>

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