On 07.04.19 15:40, Sergiu Pojoga wrote:
> To simplify, the problem seems to come down to the following: how do
> you cancel/end an early state dialog between the caller and callee
> after `fr_inv_timeout` occurs? Kam self-generates a proper CANCEL
> towards the callee, while the caller gets a `408 Request Timeout' with
> a different To-tag.

That's all required not to have a dialog completed, but faild. There is
no need to send a BYE or another CANCEL. The INVITE got the 408, not 200.


> I've tried:
> dlg_bye("all") - throws an error, non-confirmed dialogs can't be
> terminated with this function
> t_cancel_callid("$dlg(callid)", "$dlg(from_cseq)", "22", "200") -
> doesn't seem to produce any action
> Suggestions?
> On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 11:25 AM Sergiu Pojoga <pojo...@gmail.com
> <mailto:pojo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi ppl,
>     Scenario: invite from upstream is t_relayed to a client gateway.
>     After `fr_inv_timeout` occurs, in a failure route I simply t_reply
>     with "503 - Service unavailable", then exit(). 
>     However, the upstream provider simply ignores this reply, call
>     doesn't hang up. This doesn't happen when the client's gateway
>     generates identical 503 or other negative replies.
>     I suspect this is happening because the To-tag in the Kam
>     generated 503 reply doesn't match with the To-tag that previously
>     was forwarded from the client's gateway to the upstream provider
>     in the `180 Ringing`.
>     Any suggestions what can be done about it?
>     2019/04/06 10:42:46.127177 65.39.xxx.xxx:5060 ->
>     208.72.xxx.xxx:5060                                               
>     SIP/2.0 180 Ringing                                               
>     Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
> 208.72.xxx.xxx:5060;received=208.72.xxx.xxx;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK1982422573
>     Record-Route: <sip:65.39.xxx.xxx;lr=on;did=915.8af1>             
>     From: "SERGIU"
>     <sip:514xxxx...@208.72.xxx.xxx>;isup-oli=00;tag=1975755942       
>     To: <sip:514xxxx...@65.39.xxx.xxx>;tag=as2ab54180                 
>     Call-ID: did-28270...@208.72.xxx.xx                               
>     CSeq: 477023 INVITE                                               
>     Supported: replaces, timer, path                                 
>     Contact: <sip:1514xxxx...@65.39.xxx.xxx:5060>                     
>     Content-Length: 0                                                 
>     2019/04/06 10:42:51.072516 65.39.xxx.xxx:5060 ->
>     208.72.xxx.xxx:5060                                               
>     SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable                                   
>     Call-ID: did-28270...@208.72.xxx.xx                               
>     Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
> 208.72.xxx.xxx:5060;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK1982422573;received=208.72.xxx.xxx
>     From: "SERGIU"
>     <sip:514xxxx...@208.72.xxx.xxx>;isup-oli=00;tag=1975755942       
>     To:
>     <sip:514xxxx...@65.39.xxx.xxx>;tag=a6a1c5f60faecf035a1ae5b6e96e979a-8e82 
>     CSeq: 477023 INVITE                                               
>     Server: KAM                                                       
>     Content-Length: 0 
>     Thanks,
>     --Sergiu
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