
have a look to the db_mode parameter in the usrloc module. You can operate the 
module in different database modes.



Am 23.07.19 um 09:48 schrieb Anuran Barman:
So I tried the the Expires header for UNREGISTER and it is working fine. Thanks 
for that. But the problem is that SIP Phone does not send UNREGISTER event. It 
only sends REGISTER method periodically. So in my Server it will be always 
online. So to overcome that I will be running e cron job which will pool the 
online users from 'location' table of kamailio mysql db. But the problem is, 
'location' table does not get updated as soon as possible, rather if I 
disconnect the SIP Phone and do 'kamctl ul show' it will be still there for 
like 5 mins, after that it goes away. How can I change the timeout of this,say 
to 2mins, meaning that after 2mins if there is no response from the client 
,Kamailio will mark it as offline. Where to change that parameter?

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 11:20 PM Anuran Barman 
<anuranbar...@gmail.com<mailto:anuranbar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thanks, I will try these out and get back to you.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 11:18 PM Henning Westerholt 
<h...@skalatan.de<mailto:h...@skalatan.de>> wrote:


you can get the result of the register module "save()" function call from its 
return value:

 and then use a similar logic like you quoted in the initial question.

You can of course also just query the usrloc module with the provide remote 
function API:


This can be called over HTTP, JSON HTTP and others.



Am 22.07.19 um 14:34 schrieb Anuran Barman:
evapi seems to be complicated and more than necessary for I want to do. Can't I 
get the successful register and unregister event from config file just like got 
INVITE event without using it?

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 6:02 PM Anuran Barman 
<anuranbar...@gmail.com<mailto:anuranbar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
# IP authorization and user authentication
route[AUTH] {
#!ifdef WITH_AUTH

if((!is_method("REGISTER")) && allow_source_address()) {
# source IP allowed

if (is_method("REGISTER") || from_uri==myself) {
xlog("LOG_LOCAL3","L_INFO","authentication request from domain=$ad realm=$ar 
username=$Au sourceIP=$si agentHeader=$ua");
# authenticate requests
if (!auth_check("$fd", "subscriber", "1")) {
auth_challenge("$fd", "0");
# user authenticated - remove auth header
xlog("LOG_LOCAL3","L_INFO","authentication successful"); <============== At 
this point can I assume authentication is successful ??
# if caller is not local subscriber, then check if it calls
# a local destination, otherwise deny, not an open relay here
if (from_uri!=myself && uri!=myself) {
sl_send_reply("403","Not relaying");


Kindly look into the snippet above. The bold lettered one. At that point can I 
assume authentication is successful ??

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 5:58 PM E. Schmidbauer 
<eschmidba...@gmail.com<mailto:eschmidba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
you should be doing some sort of authentication and then saving the user's 
registration data.
add a route to fire an event when the registration data is saved.
or even better IMO would be to use an event queue like mqueue and rtimer to 
push events into a queue and process them with rtimer and evapi

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 7:46 AM Anuran Barman 
<anuranbar...@gmail.com<mailto:anuranbar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
But it does not tell me if thats a successful register. I can make the user 
online but may be the request fails as credentials are wrong. So the REGISTER 
is not successful. How can I handle that?

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 at 5:14 PM, David Villasmil 
<david.villasmil.w...@gmail.com<mailto:david.villasmil.w...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Just as you do is_method(“INVITE”) you can do is_method(“REGISTER”) after that 
you can check the EXPIRE, if it is zero then it is an UN-REGISTER.

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 at 12:35, E. Schmidbauer 
<eschmidba...@gmail.com<mailto:eschmidba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
here is a good example of how you can use evapi in kamailio:

here is a good example of how you can implement it with a go app:

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 7:18 AM Anuran Barman 
<anuranbar...@gmail.com<mailto:anuranbar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
It seems like this module is useful for making the connection/message flow. But 
that I need when I have the events of Register and unregister. How to get the 
events from this module?

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:51 PM Anuran Barman 
<anuranbar...@gmail.com<mailto:anuranbar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Though I have already a NodeJS server running, I will try the evapi module. If 
there are some tutorial/Wiki on how to do this please share that with me. That 
will be great help.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:39 PM E. Schmidbauer 
<eschmidba...@gmail.com<mailto:eschmidba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I would recommend using `evapi` for something like this
You could build a small go app that connects via evapi and send/receive events 
to/from kamailio.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:07 AM Anuran Barman 
<anuranbar...@gmail.com<mailto:anuranbar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I  am integrating Kamailio into my application. I want to hook to the 
successful REGISTER and unregister event into Kamailio into my application. For 
now, I am able to hook into INVITE event and can hit my server to send a email 
to the callee user that user X is calling you. The way I am doing is by this
        if (is_method("INVITE")) {
                xlog("LOG_LOCAL3","L_INFO","invite came ($fU) ($tU)");
                $var(res) = http_connect("sipnodejsserver", 
"/","text/plain","src_user:$fU,dst_user:$tU" ,"$avp(route)");
                xlog("LOG_LOCAL3","L_INFO","request sent $avp(route)  
                setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting

I need to show into my application that their SIP phone is online or not. How 
can I hook into this?
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David Villasmil
email: david.villasmil.w...@gmail.com<mailto:david.villasmil.w...@gmail.com>
phone: +34669448337
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Henning Westerholt - https://skalatan.de/blog/
Kamailio services - https://skalatan.de/services

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Kamailio services - https://skalatan.de/services
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