Hi Dimitri,

maybe there is a better way, but I used that for debugging purposes to
disable topos to my inside ip, here as example

event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] {
        if($sndto(ip)=="") {
                xlog("L_ERR", "NOT SEND TOPOS TO $sndto(ip)\n");

Karsten Horsmann

Dmitri Savolainen <savolai...@erinaco.ru> schrieb am Mo., 23. Dez. 2019,

> Hi all.
> I have Kamailio with 2 addr:
> kamailio_external_ip - for client interconnect
> kamailio_internal_ip - for local media server interconnect
> Like this:
> client - kamailio_external_ip - kamailio_internal_ip - media_server
> "topos" module hide sip headers for both  "client" and "media_server" side.
> Is it true: with topos i can't hide headers only for the "client" side
> and show them for the  "media_server"? I want full header set visible for
> the "media_server", but  only kamailio_external_ip visible for the "client".
> --
> Savolainen Dmitri
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