Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

> The rpc command tm.clean is like a last resort option when dealing with
> an unexpected situation that messed up the timer process, otherwise the
> transactions should be cleaned as they are expired or terminated because
> of final response sent upstream, with a delay of 5 seconds (default value).

Before we find out why the transactions are not freed on time, I would
like to run a test every minute that checks if the shm usage is too
high and, if so, executes tm.clean.  Something like this:

route [every_minute] {
    $var(shm_usage) = ($stat(real_used_size) * 100) / $stat(total_size);
    if ($var(shm_usage) > 90) t_clean();

Otherwise OK, but there is no t_clean() function.  Could that be added?

-- Juha

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