
if you get it always, then run with debug=3 and send all the debug
messages here, there should be more hints about why a branch is not added.


On 27.10.20 08:40, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
> Hi,
> I have several Kamailio proxies - loadbalancer which is used as TLS
> offload and Authorization server and behind registrar servers.
> In this case I can't make tsilo work on the registrar server.
> I'm always getting: "tm [t_append_branches.c:172]:
> t_append_branches(): failure to add branches (-1)"
> If I use just one Kamailio which is used as Authorization and
> Registrar server then tsilo works as expected.
> Looks like kamailio where I run ts_append tries to connect to UAC
> directly and not through Loadbalancer.
> Any ideas? How can I troubleshoot this?
> Thank you!
> Jurijs
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