Hi Gang

We are still having massive issues on how to safely reload kamailio
after config changes when using the dialog module and DMQ.

If there are active dialogues, kamailio corrupts them on a restart even
when using MySQL as dialog backend.

As we use two core nodes for redundancy, I am looking for a way to
gracefully restart kamailio.

I am considering adding some key in a hash table or anything else I
can reload on runtime to indicate to kamailio not to accept any
new calls (effectively rejecting Invites without To-Tag with 503 causing
the registrar or IC peer to hopefully resend the invite to the other

Then wait, until no more dialogues are active, so kamailio can safely be

My Issue now: How can I find out, one specific node does not have
any active dialogues?

'kamcmd dlg.stats_active' returns the count of all DMQ synced nodes, not
of the local one.

And suggestions or any other ideas how I can 'reload' the kamailio
config without disrupting active dialogues?

My last resort would be to look into the database:
modparam("dialog", "h_id_start", -1) # Use server_id
modparam("dialog", "h_id_step", 2)

So odd/even H_ID should tell me the number per node. But I see a lot of
orphan dialogues hanging around in the database not being cleaned so I
guess that will not be reliable at all.

Yes, I know I will get the question: 'Why do you need to restart
kamailio that often'.

We have started production on our kamailio based TSP platform. And of
course, despite a LOT of testing beforehand, there is always some issue
that pops up. At the moment, I have to implement a config change about
once or twice a week to fix some new minor issues.

I hope, somewhen in the future we will hopefully have a stable config
which will last for several months, but at the moment this is the

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon- @ HomeOffice und normal erreichbar
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29             Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz                         Web  http://www.imp.ch
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