2010/4/14 Juha Heinanen <j...@tutpro.com>:
> i call drop() in branch route and it is the only branch left.  the
> branch gets correctly dropped, i.e., the request is not send out, but
> the reply to UAC is strange:
> U 2010/04/14 21:03:43.750712 ->
> SIP/2.0 477 Unfortunately error on sending to next hop occurred (477/TM).
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5074;branch=z9hG4bKaoxzewgj.
> To: <sip:0407058...@>;tag=c02670ad1171fe45d9ff9a27d6c2cb82-e03b.
> From: <sip:+35816234...@foo.bar>;tag=bclsw.
> Call-ID: doibilvynrtq...@localhost.
> CSeq: 134 INVITE.
> Server: SIP Proxy  (3.0.99-dev1 (i386/linux)).
> Content-Length: 0.
> why this kind of reply, because the proxy didn't even try to send the
> request to next ho?
> is it possible to somehow choose in the script, which reply to send?  in
> this example, i'm using lcr to choose gws and none of them was suitable,
> so something like '503 service not available' would be more appropriate.

What about checking in failure_route if the final response is locally
generated (and also the winning status so you get the 477 and can act

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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