On 4/30/10 10:08 PM, Jeff Brower wrote:

On 4/30/10 8:24 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2010/4/30 Jignesh Gandhi<jignesh.gan...@moviuscorp.com>:

Hello All,

Can openser be used as a SIP Application Server in an IMS infrastructure ?

Should I use Kamailio instead ?

By definition a SIP proxy is not a "SIP Application Server"(which in
most cases are B2BUA's).

Well, 'SIP proxy is not an SIP application server' is a bit forced. IMO,
an application of SIP can be proxying SIP request, while most of the
sites define couple of SIP server side entities like proxy, registrar,
etc... these are just some types of applications for SIP.

On the other hand, Kamailio is more than a proxy and it is in fact a
real application server. It cannot be a VoIP application server,
It can be when combined with rtpproxy (and with accelerator PCI/PCIe card in 
some cases).

right, to some extent you can play with media in conjunction with rtpproxy -- iirc, you can do some audio playback with latest rtpproxy.

What would be the accelerator used for?


it does not do media processing, but can be a sip signaling application
server and it is a lot you can do with signaling only (e.g., messaging,
presence, custom communications and notifications).

However if you mean a "IMS SIP proxy/registrar" then OpenSer/Kamailio
could be valid (except for some custom requeriments of IMS). You can
take a look to OpenIMS which is OpenSer/Kamailio with some
"customization" or new modules designed for IMS.

This is indeed an app to look at, site is http://www.openimscore.org.
AFAIK, they updated their code and practically they run same core and
common modules as kamailio/ser 3.0

To give the proper answer to the question, then the kind of application
wanted to be deployed must be described.

And kamailio is just the new name of openser, since there were some
trademark issues with openser word. The sourceforge devel project still
keeps openser name. Last version released under openser name was 1.3.x,
the first under kamailio name was the next one 1.4.0. Version 3.0.x is
the last stable one, with lot of enhancements since last version with
openser name was released, see here what are the major enhancements
coming with every release:

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
* http://www.asipto.com/
* http://twitter.com/miconda
* http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielconstantinmierla

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